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05/29/18 3:49 PM

#10199 RE: styl #10198

I wouldn't panic and go sell my shares of any investment in the South China Sea just because it's obvious the ph would lose a war. They are finally putting half a brain in duterte by learning better posturing, and earning public international opinion and sympathy for their cause and rightful sovereignty ownership. If China dares to shoot up philipinos in their own economic zones already recognized by the international community, china would lose a trillion dollars in trade overnight as every country starts to embargo china for its INVASION. So it's back to chess and even though china threatens war even in ph economic exclusive zones they would dare not to as it would be a clear violation and invasion of sovereign territory. There's no dispute at all about economic zones except for the invader China who should finally be punished for her aggression. Finally time for ph to call their bluff for either better ties and a clear framework contract or cut ties with these bastards and go with Shell philipines who has Malampaya. We're not talking about the damn spratlys here. If the reed bank is contested because of a red line then so is Malampaya and that's never been the case. F maoists. Long live freedom!! A good argument is sometimes well needed. Even with fists. So the rest of the world can wake up to what's going on and so the bloody commies know when they've gone too far and there's a price to pay one way or another . Dumb China. Even if they get the reed bank by force they still lose more then they win. They can't decide if their capitalists or commies. Only fools who hopefully realize their stupid lies are obvious and they better start playing fair quickly.
Having said that, I still think this chess game ends in a tie and a framework ,if not then with the ph keeping her own reed bank when usa and Australian an navy confront china and protect ph sovereign zones in a stand against China's expansion.. I obviously have a bias opinion but this is obviously the extreme reaction necessary now by stupid duterte for being too soft with China earlier. He is obviously now a bumbling idiot just winging it and trying to regain his people's confidence in his loyalty to the ph and not such a Chinese stood puppet.