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05/26/18 6:26 PM

#15863 RE: TripTrap #15862

Get real...there is no tweet after 5/'s fake or deleted.

Umm,'s not a fake or a deleted tweet and YES it's new news!

Go look at their response to a question on their twitter feed on the 21st to the tweet that starts like this:
"Should be 29th as per (S)crew (E)very (C)onsumer order!Hoping the Fed judge on 6/18...."

Again, it says:
May 25
Yes plan is as described No reason to take acc down.this is usually done by co that have no biz and only sell shares. GFOX was done wrong by over zealous public servant and toxic shorts. We are in good conversations with a possible buyer who may cont as SEC filler &15c211.