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05/26/18 5:20 AM

#139629 RE: Broke_Broker #139627

Dumping is a real issue, no doubt about that, but at the moment we seem to have close to (but not quite) the support we need to avoid taking a severe hit from the dumping (at the moment...).

I don't agree that it doesn't matter what news SIAF releases while the dumping occurs (i.e if the PR that the TRW-loan is closed, or that they have solved the TRW-dividend issue and that there will be TRW-dividend in Q3 as indicated), but I agree with the sentiment - and your statement is probably true for those releases we are likely to get (which probably is none anyways).

I'm rather torn about what to do going forward - the dilution is the straw for me and I expect nothing or pure BS about it in the CC. I bought my shares in SIAF because of the dilution-protection from ECAB, and I bought them a lot faster (and hence till a higher price) than I normally would have based on the imminent TRW-distribution (a mistake they have redone in the 10-K mind you!). Now we have learned that SIAF never were able to distribute those shares last summer anyways, and that they - while they were supposed to distribute them killed the dilution-protection - without disclosing any of these two material events (have have also breached the rules on Merkur when it comes to announcing OS and possible/expected OS). And now they continue to dilute the crap out of us, while Solomon makes sure to take care of himself through his new compensation scam (I am convinced that one might make a case on that alone; the new agreement contrasts shareholder interests, it rewards him for having destroyed the company, and it isn't even remotely on the same planet of what could have been expected from the Merkur-filing).

I appreciate the cash dividend policy, but Solomon has to stop destroying the company. He has to stop sacrificing us for the "greater good" (TRW), and he has to stop exempting himself from the suffering! Enough is enough.