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06/29/18 10:32 PM

#282581 RE: F6 #280291

5 Insane Religious Cults That Actually Exist

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Published on Jun 29, 2017
5 INSANE Religious Cults That Actually Exist
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Posted specifically to these from just one of F6's many special Mark specials

"Weakly Address: 4/13/2018"

Seventh down

Exposing Religious Influence in Government

Published on Apr 13, 2018 by FFRF [ / , ]

FFRF Co-President Dan Barker discusses Director of Strategic Response Andrew Seidel's work to prevent the encroachment of religion into our secular government.

Pruitt shows that theocrats are more willing to violate other laws

An open letter to Ralph Drollinger, the pastor who conducts the White House Bible Study [with comments]

Eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth segments

Recovering from Religion: Natalie

Published on Apr 13, 2018 by TheThinkingAtheist [ / , ]

Natalie had to confront a religious family and culture with the declaration that she is both atheist and a trans woman. helped provide the community and support that others did not. [with comments]


Atheist Banned from Ken Ham Event (Paulogia Denied)

Published on Apr 13, 2018 by Paulogia [ , ]

Ken Ham is the keynote speaker at the Alberta Home Education Association Convention this weekend, but I'm not there to hear what he has to say. I paid my full admission price, but when Answers in Genesis heard that I would be there, my registration was revoked just hours before the event.

I stood up for Ken's right to free speech, but I'm the one ending up being censored... from merely listening. [with comments]


TTOR Changes His Mind About Vestigial Organs

Published on Apr 13, 2018 by Viced Rhino [ , ]

Today, we witness a young earth creationist change his mind about vestigial organs, all for the sake of proving me wrong on one small point.

Kingsley Lab page on Pearly Penile Papules:

Original Video:

Response To Professor Stick & Viced Rhino On Vestigial Organs (Justin Derby)

Published on Apr 4, 2018 by TTOR [ , ]
Professor Stick and Viced Rhino, two atheist evolutionist YouTubers, try to teach apologist Justin Derby about vestigial organs [referencing "Viced Rhino Teaches a Creationist About Vestigial Organs", , included at/see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following (earlier this string)]. Let's see if they have any idea what they're talking about. [with comments] [with comments]

See also:

junebug4, without "hesitation" no doubt, thanks.
I hope Mark does have a pleasant surprise as then many on the planet will have the same too. :)

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06/30/18 11:34 PM

#282816 RE: F6 #280291

Heavy Rain Carved Complex Network Of Valleys On Mars 3.8 Billion Years Ago

"Weakly Address: 4/13/2018"

29 June 2018, 10:08 pm EDT By Nicole Arce Tech Times


A team of researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Chicago says heavy rain that fell in huge spells 3.6 to 3.8 billion years ago created the channel networks.

Rainfall On Mars

In a new study .. .. published on the open-access website Science Advances, the researchers used similar structures on Earth as a model for examining the network of branching valleys on Mars.

By looking at two datasets collected by other researchers investigating the Martian valleys, the researchers were able to conclude that the dryness of a region provides a lot of clues as to what created the channels The angle at which the tributaries split off from each other was also significant.

In places with a harsh dry climate, such as the deserts of Arizona, the researchers found that the networks of valleys were caused by rainwater sculpting waterways into the ground. The branches in these channels are marked by a low angle.

On the other hand, valley networks caused by water seeping from the ground, such as those in Florida, have wider angles between their branches.

The channel networks on Mars resemble the narrow-angled valleys on Earth, which means they must have been made by rainwater creating paths in the ground for it to flow through.

The findings led the scientists to conclude that there must have been a significant amount of rain that fell on Martian soil in the planet's early days. They also assume that Mars may have had an atmosphere far denser than it is today.

"Recent research shows that there must have been much more water on Mars than previously assumed," says physicist Hansjörg Seybold, lead author of the study.

As heavy rainfall pummeled the surface of the planet, the increasing amounts of rainwater cut deeper into the ground to reach the channels' current depths.

Mars Must Have An Active Water Cycle

The study also presupposes that Mars must have had a very active water cycle. One theory is that one-third of the entire area of Mars was covered by a large body of water.

Heat being spewed by active volcanoes located near the theoretical Martian ocean caused large amounts of water to turn into a vapor that later fell to the ground as rain.

Of course, this also raises the question: Where has all that water gone .. ?

"It's likely that most of it evaporated into space," says Seybold. "But it could still be found in the vicinity of Mars."

Posted specifically to

NASA gears up for its next Mars Mission


toward the bottom of F6's "stashed April 13, 2018:"