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Moving On

05/24/18 5:37 PM

#23530 RE: LCRG6215 #23529

The round-trip was disappointing. However now we know there are not millions of shares hiding in the .009s or even at a penny. It went up on large volume and down on small volume. Hopefully trading at a penny or better becomes the new normal until we get the news.

devil dog 96

05/24/18 7:00 PM

#23533 RE: LCRG6215 #23529

I agree, but today shows us that this one moves up very easy. Once news hits we are going to see the run of the year.

Holding strong!



05/24/18 11:45 PM

#23535 RE: LCRG6215 #23529

I agree LCRG6215! Some people just can’t resist from being short-term and short-sighted instead of looking at the big picture and what is a MEGA ACQUISITION just around the corner! We could be within a few weeks now so people who want to make BIG money need to stay focused and keep their eyes on the prize, which is TRON acquiring an $87 million revenue company in InMed Group Inc.!