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roger wilco

05/23/18 2:24 PM

#2009 RE: jobynimble #2007

I am on the cusp of getting a payout of my very first PlusOneCoin freshly mined from cryptoland. Hours of work and frustration will finally pay out...

Now I know why they call it (tiny) BIT-coin.... hahahaha!

Oh well I'm learning... Can't take that away...

Paulie Cashews

05/23/18 8:10 PM

#2014 RE: jobynimble #2007

Your 60 is feeling dirty? Well then, tie a sponge to a stick, wash it with rose water, and trim it with a No. 2 scissor. Finish with a tweeze, and then lightly dust with sandalwood and chamomile before anyone's gonna touch it.

Click Here: Have your PlusOne misgivings grown faster than the lint-ball in Trump's belly-button?