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05/23/18 9:18 PM

#322878 RE: scania4 #322875

Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or people who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, they also devised the first blockchain database.


For the benefit of the neophytes out there, blockchain was referenced in Neom's patents. While this does not necessarily mean blockchain is directly tied to Neom, it does appear to indicate Neomedia was well ahead of its time for incorporating such a new and advanced technology into its own architecture...JMO.

Be Confident
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Be Confident

06/03/18 11:28 PM

#322909 RE: scania4 #322875


Here is one you and Rocket are sure to enjoy...

Mastercard to Adopt Blockchain tech for Making Coupons Tamper-Proof

...Or Stated Differently...

Mastercard Wins Patent for Blockchain-based Coupon Authentication System

Financial services giant Mastercard has won a patent for a system that uses blockchain technology to authenticate coupons.

The patent, granted by the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) on May 31, outlines a way for merchants to cut down on coupon fraud and more effectively issue targeted discounts to specific customers. The company first applied for the patent in Nov. 2016.

In one potential application of this system, an individual will be assigned a blockchain address, whose credentials will be stored in a payment instrument such as a credit card or digital wallet application.

When the user attempts to redeem a coupon, the point of sale device will interface with the private blockchain network to verify that the customer is authorized to receive the discount.

Following a successful transaction, the system will automatically transfer the coupon out of the customer’s wallet and into “burn address” or an address associated with invalidated coupons, preventing the user from attempting to redeem it multiple times.

Be Confident