Two of the civil cases which they all were got dismissed with rbc dominion if u spent your 6$.ive been sued civilly but nobody has ever point being anyone high profile that makes money will get sued civilly eventually especially if u do a lot of business doesn't mean your a bad guy.ive Bruner several times and honestly he's the one that gets screwed .even warren Buffett gets sueds civilly all the time.if he was a bad guy the exchanges wouldn't let him be Ceo or chairman or even a director of any company .hes never lost anything or been criminally charged with anything. I could sue u tomorrow and charge u with anything including fraud doesn't mean I'm have no reason to be on this board unless you have another motive to do so which u obviously don't even care to put up that 2 of the cases were dismissed so your trying to make him look bad.just remember I have a way to find out who you are not that hard. We can find out who the real criminal is.i would go away if I were you.