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05/21/18 7:32 PM

#42973 RE: Capitalist #42972


A shame you can't play
the Haiku Poetry Game.
You're welcome here, too.


05/24/18 9:16 PM

#42977 RE: Capitalist #42972

I-hub has issues that cause my old computer to slow way down when on the site

Yes, I freebie ride at IH as well now, and relatively infrequently drop in due to all the baggage making the forum/site pretty much unfriendly.

I see similar with yahoo. I vigorously block most 'non relative' content (adverts) and the tally can exceed 100+ per page of things blocked. Day to day I see very few adverts (which can be a means to break-into your system), but there are still delays in implementing all that filtering and page re-rendering. When that rises to extremes I tend to use/visit such sites infrequently (such as IH and yahoo).

Installing browser extensions such as NoScript, Ublock Origin, and a UserAgent 'spoofer' can help. UserAgent spoofer so as to pretend to be another operating system and browser - which can help reduce the number of penetration vulnerabilities thrown at you whilst surfing around (a known vulnerability in OS x and browser y thrown at the wrong OS and browser will tend to simply fail).

I still use a 'old' computer (10 or so years old), and generally it still works great for me, but then again I do run OpenBSD, not Windows or other such bloat. That provides opportunity to see how many systems are being bot-netted and the numbers are simply staggering. I guess many of those aren't even aware other than perhaps noticing poorer response speeds. Another 'trick' is to keep your data and OS separate, and periodically reinstall a factory fresh version of the OS - as that clears out all of the garbage. Not so easy with Windows however where software might have been installed from across a very wide range of providers (with the 'nix's you tend to get all your software from a single trusted provider, so reinstalling afresh is very easy).

