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05/21/18 3:24 PM

#15830 RE: ratbike1000r #15816

And let me guess, you don't have much financial experience?

Yes, you fit the description of the target "investor" that they seek.

Long in faith, short in financial experience.

It ends badly.

Prophetic Watchman

05/21/18 6:49 PM

#15862 RE: ratbike1000r #15816

Ratbike, you seem to forget that there are many zion longs that felt the same way you just stated on the last drilling attempt, yet lost their shirts on bogus PR.

all the same things were said.

all the same faith.

yet the SP made it to over 14 bucks on hype.

this stock shouldn't be anything more than a dollar per share.

they have no revenue, and nothing but losses on their track record due to finding nothing.

cascade has good points, but all the issues that JB had by going with the head of Joseph found nothing in 4 tries. after mr ex railroad commish stepped in as CEO, he went the route of regular wildcatting technology.

then also remember that zion told us last go around they were forming zion drilling and buying their own rig. IT NEVER HAPPENED !!!

then Richard Rinberg disappears. oh to hear them say it was a mutual departure, but when this whole God will bless Israel ordeal has a CEO up and leave tells much more to the story than long time zion investors really know.