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10/18/06 11:52 AM

#2433 RE: jawmoke #2415

I Want The Earth Plus 5%..

By the way, the correct terminology used in the financial world for this system is "fractional reserve banking".

The story you have read, link posted above, is of course, fiction.

But if you found it to be disturbingly close to the truth and would like to know who Fabian is in real life, a good starting point is a study on the activities of the English goldsmiths in the 16th & 17th centuries.

For example, The Bank of England began in 1694. King William of Orange was in financial difficulties as a result of a war with France. The Goldsmiths "lent him" 1.2 million pounds (a staggering amount in those days) with certain conditions:

The interest rate was to be 8%.

The King was to grant the goldsmiths a charter for the bank which gave them the right to issue credit.
Prior to this, their operations of issuing receipts for more money than they held in deposits was totally illegal. The charter made it legal.

In 1694 William Patterson obtained the Charter for the Bank of England.

© Larry Hannigan 1971, Australia

From "Hand Over Our Loot, No. 2, by Len Clampett:

"There are four things that must be available for paid work to take place:

The work to be done.
The materials to do the work.
The labor to do the work.
The money to pay for the work to be done.
If any of those four things are missing, no paid work can take place. It is a naturally self-regulating system. If there is work to be done, and the material is available and the labour willing, all we have to do is create the money. Quite simple."

Ask yourself why it was that depressions happened. All that went missing from the community was the money to buy goods and services. The labour was still available. The work to be done was still there. The materials had not disappeared, and the goods were readily available in the shops, or could be produced but for the want of money.

None of our problems will disappear until we correct the creation, supply and circulation of money..

Once the money problem is solved, everything else will fall into place..

Extract from a letter written by Rothschild Bros of London to a New York firm of bankers on 25 June 1863:

"The few who can understand the System (Cheque Money and Credits) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class. While on the other hand, the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (hostile, hurtful) to their interests.

The following quotation was reprinted in the Idaho Leader, USA, 26 August 1924, and has been read into Hansard twice: by John Evans MP, in 1926, and by M.D. Cowan M.P., in the Session of 1930-1931.

In 1891 a confidential circular was sent to American bankers and their agents, containing the following statements:

"We authorise our loan agents in the western States to loan our funds on real estate, to fall due on September 1st 1894, and at no time thereafter.

On September 1, 1894, we will not renew our loans under any consideration.

On September 1st we will demand our money - we will foreclose and become mortgagees in possession.

We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi and thousands of them east of the great Mississippi as well, at our own price.

We may as well own three-fourths of the farms of the west and the money of the country.

Then the farmers will become tenants, as in England."

From "Hand Over Our Loot, No. 2"

In the United States, the issuing of money is controlled by the Federal Reserve Board. This is not a government department but a board of private bankers.Most of us would believe that the Federal Reserve is a federal arm of the national government….This is not true…In 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the document that created the Federal Reserve, and committed the American people to debt slavery until such time as they awake from their slumber and overthrow this vicious tyranny."…

"The understanding of this issue of money into the community can be best illustrated by equating money in the economy with tickets in a railway system. The tickets are printed by a printer who is paid for his work. The printer never claims the ownership of the tickets … And we can never imagine a railway company refusing to give passengers seats on a train because it is out of tickets. By this same token, a government should never refuse people the access to normal commerce and trade by claiming it is out of money."

Suppose the government borrows $10 million. It only costs the bankers a few hundred dollars to actually produce the funds, and a little more to do the book-keeping. Do you think it is fair that our citizens should struggle to keep their homes and families together, while the bankers grow fat on these profits?

Credit created by a Government-owned bank is better than credit created by private banks, because there is no need to recover the money from people by way of taxes, and there is no interest attached to inflate the cost. The public work completed with the credit by the Government bank is the asset that replaces the money created when the work is finished.

None of our problems will disappear until we correct the creation, supply and circulation of money. Once the money problem is solved, everything else will fall into place.

Each of us can help to turn this ship around:

The first thing is to teach people. VERY FEW know about or understand this information yet. Please pass this information on to those on and off the net.

Research this subject for yourself to increase your understanding.

Join with others who want to return the control of government to the people. Remember - they are 'public SERVANTS'! We are not their servant. They should do OUR bidding.

Regardless of your political leanings, encourage your local Member to investigate and correct our money system. (They probably need to be educated too!). You can do this by email, letter, telephone or personal discussion.

Legislators receive an average of only 100 letters on any given issue. So if you write your opinion and get others to write, say 25 letters, you send a strong message. (Have a letter writing evening).

The Rothschilds:
Noone knows what they are worth, but it's estimated that their wealth is estimated at $2 trillion - $491,409 trillion US..