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05/18/18 9:41 AM

#279975 RE: BOREALIS #279974

The problem is the supporters of the bone spur pres. do not care about facts like this. They would rather claim to be patriots while at the same time supporting a treasonous criminal!


05/18/18 8:36 PM

#279984 RE: BOREALIS #279974

Yep, obviously, in light of Cohen's lack of expertise

"The mind-boggling corruption of Trump Inc."

"The precise meaning of this revelation is as yet unclear. But let me suggest a reasonable tentative conclusion: corruption. AT&T and Novartis have already admitted they were paying Cohen personally for "insights" into the Trump administration, particularly regarding, respectively, a huge proposed merger with Time Warner and health-care policy. Given that Cohen has zero experience with antitrust or health-care law and the scale of the secret payments, it's nearly beyond question they were really hoping to purchase political influence. And as for the disappearance of the SARs, Trump already straight-up admitted on national television that he fired then-FBI Director James Comey to stifle the Russia investigation, so obstruction of justice is clearly not a charge the president fears" my emphasis

in those two areas, the idea of influence peddling looks a distinct motivation for the AT&T and Novartis payments to him.

Indulgence: LOL, yours is a perfectly placed jigsaw piece in more ways than one, since (uh-huh, your emphasize noted) the first link in it, again here,

Missing Files Motivated the Leak of Michael Cohen’s Financial Records

is the very one i almost split my post for. The first more Cohen-focused one almost went to it alone. In the end i decided to leave the Cohen and Kushner bad apples
in the same basket. Then intent was to include your first link-one above as a See also. So this post makes all those feelings left dangling back there complete. Grin.

And - Damn! So sorry to see the first two items of morning news this morning. Cuba and Houston. Terrible.