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10/17/06 6:54 PM

#2596 RE: mick #2595

Democrats Have Demonstrated They Aren't Fit to Lead

October 17, 2006


RUSH: Jay in Seattle, welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hey, thanks, Rush, for taking my call. I really appreciate it.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I wanted to get your insight, because I think one of the things that is never talked about here is, if the Democrats were to take back the House and take back the Senate and God forbid take back the White House, and we went into a complete withdrawal out of Iraq, what countries do you think would fall first? Would it be Jordan? Would it be Kuwait? Would it be Egypt? Would it be Saudi Arabia next? Would it be Lebanon? We know they have a presence already and offices in downtown Damascus. We know they have a presence in Palestine. We know they started in Pakistan and then moved into Afghanistan. We kicked 'em out.

The Democrats used that against us and say, "Well, you pulled troops out of Afghanistan, and you moved 'em over to Iraq, and now they're back," and now we've got John Kerry saying that we need to deploy troops back into Somalia. I guess that's what we should call Black Hawk Up.

RUSH: (laughs)

CALLER: You know, I just wanted to get your opinion. I'm not asking to read tea leaves here, but how do you think this would pan out?

RUSH: Well, the first thing that I would say in response to your question, is that if the Democrats do wrest full control of the government by 2008, and, when they're inaugurated in 2009, they'll totally reverse the existing strategy on the war on terror and the war in Iraq, then I would suggest that Iraq deserves to lose and deserves to be run over, and whatever else happens out there.

I'm going to take the same philosophy that I'm hearing now from recalcitrant voters who are upset. I think the Republicans deserve to lose; I think the Iraqis deserve to lose; I think the terrorists deserve to win; I think the Democrats deserve to win. The good guys have just totally botched this and they need to be "taught a lesson." I think we need a couple more hits on the United States in terms of terrorism to wake us up, too. I'm just going to take this philosophy and I'm going to apply it to virtually everything and I'm going to see how well it resonates out there.

To deal with your question seriously, the first thing that happened is that Iraq would become the epicenter of the Al-Qaeda terrorist movement. It would become a seething cauldron. It would become a toxic soup of terrorism. Afghanistan would be the next to fall, and it would be a joint situation. John Kerry in the meantime would be Black Hawk Backing back into Somalia. But at the first sign of trouble we would Black Hawk Down again and get out!

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: In the meantime we would be talking to our "allies," the French and the Germans, and by that time the North Koreans, to figure out what it is we could do jointly to contain the spread of terrorism rather than wipe it out. Because make no mistake, with Democrats in power, there will be no effort made to defeat anybody. There will be no effort made to stop the acquisition of nuclear weapons by anybody, because "What right do we have to say that when we have a nuke other nations can't?" So the policy will become containment, appeasement. The Democrats do we have and liberals will use what they think is the force of their good nature and their powerful intellect to negotiate with these people on a policy of containment and appeasement, which will result in our being laughed at across the world by our enemies, and their march will continue inexorably until a breaking point is reached and we are forced to take the action that everybody is decrying and blaming America for taking as we speak.

So it would just be delaying the obvious. It's one thing, to answer your question in full candor -- and this whole question came up at a dinner party I went to not long ago. There were many people frustrated that the education system in this country has not taught American history. There just aren't enough people who understand our history and understand what it has taken to ensure our freedom for 200-plus years. Somebody said, "That may be, but in real times of crisis the American people will respond to leadership," and I agree with that, but will we have people at that point in history who are capable of the right kind of leadership to defend and protect the United States? That's my worry about Democrats, and I'm basing it simply, folks, on what I've heard them say the past three years and their whole history, by the way.


Read the Background Material...

(WSJ: A lawyer who passed messages to terrorists gets off light)
(NRO: Tyrants and the Bomb)
(NYP: Dark Globalism: How Islamist Terror
Spreads Its Tentacles Worldwide - Mark Steyn)

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