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05/16/18 11:05 AM

#110633 RE: GRODT014 #110632

That leaves us guessing about the names and histories of these 'successful' companies. I've heard other CEO's take credit for making successful companies when they weren't even officers of the company at the time. (*BVTK)
I believe what I can find in public records, not braggadocio from CEO's. They should either be able to prove it or not bring it up.

Major Profits

05/17/18 6:21 AM

#110650 RE: GRODT014 #110632

And serial losers can say that their past failures were successful when nobody can prove otherwise. Never mind that they can simply move on to something else using other people's money to do so. :-(

It's truly incredible. His wife got just $325,000 for Naomi at bank auction on a debt of some $1,800,000+. Now THAT was a win also huh? It's like they have the "Anti-Midas Touch" them two geniuses. (Hey, ever wonder what will become of the remainder of the debt and who will pay it off? If anyone? Nah, of course not.) No gloating about how successful Naomi was from JT though huh? ;-)

Midas was a legendary king of Phrygia (in modern-day Turkey). In return for a good deed, he was granted one wish by the god Dionysus, and asked for the power to turn everything he touched into gold. ... When "Midas touch" is used today, the moral of this tale of greed is usually ignored.