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05/15/18 6:24 PM

#50747 RE: E_ECartii #50746

I am too (after doing enough trading to get me out of a deep red) but I believe the majority of shareholders are not. One thing I didn't think of mentioning is I'm not talking about or including all the many many private placements and cheap sales to raise monies. I'm talking about regular retail market buyers. At 12c it might be close to 50/50 not sure. There are many who are underwater, no doubt. That's based on the overall long term trend of the pps going down about 90-95% of the time. Of course, many also got out, so that lessens the percentage who are underwater.

Also, your calls answered by INya may be because he has a "friendly list" for caller ID? There have been numerous folks who reported here, over time, that he did not answer, return calls or emails. Personally, I would never call or email him, as after his record of being in the pennystock IR business was published I found I didn't trust him. Another reason was/is some of his tactics. Another reason is certain things he said publicly, which I consider a lie, such as about vplm e911. So he is the last person or place that I would ever go to for vplm info. It's like asking the fox for a head count on the hens, so to speak. This, regardless of all the remarks about what a nice guy he is. He is paid to make sure you buy and keep stock, imho. He has been asked perfectly legit questions about certain things and refused to reply. If you or anyone else thinks he's honest and forthcoming, that's fine. Its not the impression I get. His record of doing IR for successful companies, is, afaik, nil.