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05/15/18 9:13 AM

#279878 RE: fuagf #279842

Part 202, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from Sunday, 05/13/18, covering April
4, 2018, and headed, Teachers in Revolt: Meet the Educators in Kentucky & Oklahoma Walking Out over School Funding

The eighteenth

RWW NEWS: Alex Jones Screams That Globalists Want To Murder The Midwest

Published on Apr 4, 2018 by RWW Blog [ / , ]
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, Alex
Jones claims that liberals want to brutally murder people in the Midwest, rape Infowars viewers’ wives and children, and starve conservatives in forced labor camps. [with comments]

Pots boil over, too.


RWW News: Frank Amedia Says God Is Using Trump To Sweep Clean The Federal Judiciary

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by RWW Blog
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, Frank
Amedia had a vision of the hand of God sweeping the pillars of the Supreme Court while God declared that He's using Trump to sweep clean the federal judiciary.
[from April 4, 2018] [with comments]

"The church has affected the political process!" If they don't have God who do they have?

Thirty-one and two

Former Clinton Counsel: Trump will testify before Mueller.
The Beat with Ari Melber
Special Counsel Mueller tells Trump he is under criminal investigation. Former White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton, who
advised Clinton not to testify before the Grand Jury, tells Ari Melber he has “no doubt” Trump will testify in Mueller’s Russia probe.


Rob Reiner: Why “truth” is difficult in the Trump era

The Beat with Ari Melber
Hollywood legend Rob Reiner joins Ari Melber to discuss truth in the Trump era and his new film investigating Russian collusion.
©2018 , [with comments]


Alex Jones Responds To Sinclair / Jim Carrey Controversy

Published on Apr 4, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]

Diet: 1 cup of paranoia, 1 cup of narcissism, and three slices of conspiracy loaf per
day. Jones sucking these young guys in has to be verging on serious child abuse.


Roger Stone claimed he met Julian Assange in August 2016
All In with Chris Hayes
A newly disclosed email is the latest instance of Stone claiming advance knowledge of Wikileaks' releases prior to the 2016 election.

Forty-five, six and seven

White House lawyers question Bolton about potential ethics issues
The Rachel Maddow Show
Incoming National Security Adviser, John Bolton, faces questions from White House
lawyers over the connections between his PAC and Super PAC and Cambridge Analytica.


Former acting US Attorney gives first interview since leaving SDNY
The Rachel Maddow Show
Joon Kim, former acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, talks to Rachel
about the firing of US Attorneys in March 2017 and procedures in the Mueller investigation.


How is a subject of an investigation different from a target?
The Rachel Maddow Show
Joon Kim, former acting U.S. attorney for SDNY, explains the difference between a subject and a target of an
investigation and whether Donald Trump's lawyers will be informed if his status changes from one to the other.

The forty-ninth

Mueller's team finds more Russia ties

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Lawrence O'Donnell looks at the New York Times report that a key cooperating witness in the
Mueller probe has ties to Russia – and the special counsel's newest tactics to get information.
©2018 , [with comments]

Fifty-one and fifty-two

White House on bombshell Mueller report: Nothing has changed
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
The day following the bombshell Washington Post report stating Mueller told Trump's lawyers he is a subject of the
Russia investigation, Trump stayed out of sight and the White House said the report was not a surprise. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired April 4, 2018]


Dems reportedly worried GOP will try to bury Mueller's report

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Senate Democrat Mazie Hirono joins the program and says the public deserves to know what will be in Robert Mueller's report on Pres. Trump in the Russia investigation.
[originally aired April 4, 2018] , [with comments]

One comedy spot

Dr. Evil Gets Fired from Trump's Cabinet

Published on Apr 4, 2018 by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon [ / , ]
Jimmy interviews the latest person to be fired from the Trump administration, Dr. Evil (Mike Myers). [with comments]

To "stashed April 4, 2018:"

Hillary Clinton Recalls Hairy Story About ‘Misogynist’ Vladimir Putin
It involved a dog and German Chancellor Angela Merkel [and her fear of dogs].

Roger Stone, on day he sent Assange dinner email, also said 'devastating' WikiLeaks were forthcoming
(CNN) - Roger Stone appeared on the InfoWars radio show the same day he sent an email claiming he dined with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange -- and he predicted "devastating" upcoming disclosures about the Clinton Foundation.
Stone's comments in his August 4, 2016, appearance are the earliest known time he claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks documents. A CNN KFile timeline shows that on August 10, 2016, Stone claimed to have "actually communicated with Julian Assange."
The comments also raise more questions about what Stone knew about WikiLeaks and about the veracity of his claims to have been in contact with Assange, which he now denies.
On the August 4, 2016, InfoWars show, Stone described the soon-to-appear WikiLeaks disclosures. He also mentioned that he spoke with then-Republican nominee Donald Trump on August 3 -- the day before the interview. InfoWars is a fringe media outlet run by Alex Jones, who is known for spreading conspiracy theories.
Stone wrote to former Trump adviser Sam Nunberg on August 4, 2016, that he had dinner with Assange the night before, according to a source familiar with the email exchange. The email was first reported by the Wall Street Journal on Monday. The Journal also reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is examining the exchange.
Stone has said the email about the dinner was sent in jest and that he has never met or spoken with Assange.
Stone further discussed the dinner with Nunberg over the phone, this source said. In that conversation, Stone told Nunberg that forthcoming leaks would be about the Clinton Foundation.
In the interview with Jones on InfoWars, Stone said that he believed Assange had proof of wrongdoing at the Clinton Foundation.
"The Clinton campaign narrative that the Russians favor Donald Trump and the Russians are leaking this information, this is inoculation because as you said earlier, they know what is coming and it is devastating," Stone said in the InfoWars interview. "Let's remember that their defense to all the Clinton Foundation scandals is not that 'we didn't do,' but 'you have no proof, yes but you have no proof.'"
"I think Julian Assange has that proof and I think he is going to furnish it for the American people," Stone said.
In an email to CNN, Stone again denied meeting with Assange.
"Airline and credit card records establish that I flew on Jet Blue from NY to LA on August 1 and returned from LA to Miami on August 3. Credit card records show I stayed at the London hotel in West Hollywood on August 1st and 2nd. My passport shows I never left the country in 2016- never mind traveling to London. Even I have not perfected the ability to be two places at once," he wrote.
Stone's statement matches what he said in the InfoWars interview in August 2016. He told Jones that had flown from Los Angeles to Miami that night.

The most damning thing in Roger Stone’s newly released email about Assange
Trump's longtime adviser indicated the WikiLeaks founder could help Trump overcome a big deficit in the polls.


Exclusive: Mueller's team questioning Russian oligarchs

Mueller asking Russian oligarchs about any donations to Trump campaign: report

Report: Mueller Is Asking Russian Oligarchs If They Funneled Money to the Trump Campaign


How the House Intelligence Committee Broke
The chairman and ranking member enjoyed “something of a bromance.” Then they launched the Russia probe.

Nunes threatens to enforce subpoena over FBI memo that kick-started Russia investigation

Nunes demands original document that prompted Russia investigation


How To Hit Sinclair Where It Hurts, According To An Anonymous Sinclair Anchor
“If you want to make a difference, lobby your lawmakers to have them stop the Tribune deal,” the anchor says.

Fox News Melts Down After Hillary Clinton Mocks Them For ‘Trying To Impeach Me’
The network isn’t handling the critique very well.

John Bolton runs into potential ethics issues before he becomes Trump’s national security advisor
John Bolton is continuing to meet with White House attorneys over possible conflicts of interest.
Bolton is slated to take over as President Trump's national security advisor April 9.
Bolton resigned from his foundation in March. His two political action committees have gone dormant, although both are currently holding on to money they raised.

Cambridge Analytica says no more than 30 million people impacted by leak - uh-huh, yah, sure
The British political consulting firm at the center of Facebook's data scandal announced on Wednesday the Facebook data leak only affected 30 million users.
Just hours prior, Facebook said up to 87 million users might be affected.

Witness in Mueller Inquiry Who Advises U.A.E. Ruler Also Has Ties to Russia - George Nader

Mueller’s cooperating witness George Nader revealed as key link between Jared Kushner and Russia: report

UAE advisor cooperating with Mueller also had Russia ties: report



01/18/19 5:21 AM

#298397 RE: fuagf #279842

Model who claimed to have dirt on Russian oligarch deported from Thailand

"Part 201, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from Saturday, 05/12/18, covering April
3, 2018, and headed, Media Giant Sinclair, Under Fire for Forcing Anchors to Read Trumpian Screed, Is Rapidly Expanding

Updated on: January 17, 2019 / 1:58 PM / CBS/AP


A Belarusian model who claimed last year that she had evidence of Russian involvement in helping elect Donald Trump president was deported from Thailand on Thursday, police said. Anastasia Vashukevich along with seven co-defendants pleaded guilty this week in a case related to holding a sex training seminar in Thailand.

They were arrested almost a year ago in the seaside resort town of Pattaya, which is especially popular with Russian tourists. Thailand's immigration police chief Lt. Gen. Surachate Hakparn said most of the group left on flights shortly after noon, those going to Russia on one flight and those headed to Belarus on another.

Vashukevich and at least one of the other deportees hold passports from Belarus. While in custody, Vashukevich claimed to have recordings of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska talking about interference in the 2016 U.S. election, but never released them.

Deripaska is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and also had a working relationship with Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump's former campaign manager who was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller and convicted last year of tax and bank fraud. Earlier this month, Manafort's lawyers accidentally revealed in a court filing that Mueller has evidence Manafort shared polling data with an associate linked to Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign.

The associate is Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked closely with Manafort for years promoting Russian-backed Ukrainian interests. As CBS News Washington correspondent Paula Reid reported, it was the first time a Trump official had been accused of sharing campaign information with Russian interests.

With links, and more -

Posted specifically to, in the 2nd half

"From Thai Jail, Sex Coaches Say They Want to Trade U.S.-Russia Secrets for Safety
PATTAYA, Thailand — A pair of self-described sex instructors from Belarus have been stuck in a Thai detention center for weeks. They say that they have evidence demonstrating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign in the United States, and that they have offered it to the F.B.I. in exchange for a guarantee of their safety.
Their claim — that they are targets of a covert Russian operation to silence them because they know too much — might seem outlandish, but their case certainly includes some unusual circumstances.
They have influential enemies in Russia. They were arrested with the help of a “foreign spy,” according to the Thai police, and locked up on what is a fairly minor offense: working without a permit. And the F.B.I. says it tried to talk to the pair, suggesting that American investigators had not dismissed their account out of hand.
“They know we have more information,” one of the pair, Alexander Kirillov, 38, told The New York Times last month in an unauthorized phone call from the detention center, in Bangkok. Mr. Kirillov said his co-defendant, Anastasia Vashukevich, 27, had angered some powerful people. “They know she knows a lot,” he said. “And that’s why they made this case against us.”
Ms. Vashukevich certainly knows how to get attention. In February, a top critic of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, released a video that included footage she recorded during a brief affair she had with a Russian aluminum tycoon while working as an escort aboard his yacht in 2016. The evidence included photos she posted of the tycoon and his guest, Sergei E. Prikhodko, a deputy prime minister, and a recording of them talking about relations between the United States and Russia.
The aluminum tycoon, Oleg V. Deripaska, has close ties with Mr. Putin and with Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, who has been indicted on money laundering charges by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel looking into election interference.
The escort and her seduction coach have been held largely incommunicado since March 5, when reporters for The Times and other news media outlets were kicked out of the detention center for speaking to them. They now face deportation and fear what might happen to them if they are sent home to Russia, where they live, or Belarus, the former Soviet republic where they grew up, which remains firmly within Russia’s influence. (Mr. Kirillov was traveling on a Russian passport.)
Neither of them is accustomed to silence. They and their circle of friends say they make a habit of recording everything they do as they go about their campaign of teaching seduction techniques and trying their skills on strangers, sometimes in public.
The two were arrested along with eight others on Feb. 25 when dozens of plainclothes police officers raided a workshop they were conducting for Russian tourists at a hotel in Pattaya, about 70 miles south of Bangkok.
The seminar was aimed mainly at male Russian tourists and offered instruction in how to seduce women. It was not illegal.
The police arrest report says that a “foreign spy” infiltrated the Russian-language seminar and provided the Royal Thai Police with information about the training.
Cellphone messages show that the agent signaled the waiting officers when it was time to raid the Ibis Pattaya Hotel conference room.
The work permit charge is relatively minor, and Mr. Kirillov had been conducting training sessions in Pattaya for years. But high-level officials appeared to take an unusual interest in this case: Six police generals and two colonels had responsibility for the raid, according to the arrest report.
Since the arrests, the government has tried to keep a tight lid on information. Friends said they had not been allowed to visit Ms. Vashukevich and Mr. Kirillov for weeks.
A law enforcement official said the F.B.I. tried to speak with the two but was not successful.
A Thai police spokesman, Lt. Col. Krissana Pattanacharoen, would not comment on whether Russia was behind the arrests, but he said it was not unusual for the police to use foreign operatives.
“Investigations are not one size fits all,” he said. “It depends entirely on the situation.”
Few other police officials have been willing to talk about the case. The American Embassy in Bangkok declined to comment. The Russian Embassy asked that questions be submitted in writing, but did not answer them.
After the pair’s arrest, Mr. Kirillov sent a handwritten letter to the American Embassy in Bangkok asking for asylum for all 10 detainees. (At the time, Heather Nauert, a State Department spokeswoman, dismissed the case as “a pretty bizarre story” and indicated that the embassy had no plans to talk with them.)
Financial records show that companies controlled by Mr. Manafort owed millions of dollars to Mr. Deripaska, the aluminum tycoon. During the 2016 race, Mr. Manafort offered to give him private briefings about the campaign, though there is no indication that the tycoon took him up on the offer.
Ms. Vashukevich, who goes by the name Nastya Rybka online and recounts her story in a book, “Who Wants to Seduce a Billionaire,” became an escort under the guidance of Mr. Kirillov, better known as Alex Lesley, who has gained popularity in Russia for his advocacy of sexual freedom.
At the time of the yacht visit, Ms. Vashukevich had shaved six years off her age to pose as 19. She was sent by a Moscow modeling agency to a yacht off Norway along with six other escorts, according to her account.
She said she followed Mr. Kirillov’s instruction to record all her interactions with her target, the yacht’s owner, who turned out to be Mr. Deripaska.
Ms. Vashukevich told The Times in a brief interview last month at the detention center that she had more than 16 hours of recordings from the yacht, including conversations with three visitors who she believes were Americans.
She has called herself the “missing link” in the Russia investigation.
Her posts from 2016 came to prominence only after Aleksei A. Navalny, a Russian opposition leader, included them in a video in early February that made accusations about official corruption. Mr. Navalny also charged that Mr. Deripaska had delivered Mr. Manafort’s campaign reports to the Kremlin.
“Deripaska simply transmits this information to Putin,” Mr. Navalny said. “He’s very close to Putin after all.”
Before traveling to Thailand, Mr. Kirillov grew worried about repercussions from the exposé and asked a childhood friend, Eliot Cooper, to contact United States authorities on his behalf, Mr. Cooper said.
Mr. Cooper, who lives in Canada, said in a telephone interview that he called an F.B.I. hotline in February and proposed trading the recordings for the pair’s safety.
He said he had told the hotline agent about one recorded conversation in which Mr. Deripaska and Mr. Prikhodko discussed wanting Mr. Trump to win.
“I explained all of that to the F.B.I.,” he said. “They should have a transcript of everything and a recording of my voice.”
Mr. Cooper said he had never heard back from the agency. The F.B.I. declined to comment.
Mr. Cooper said that Mr. Kirillov had hidden copies and instructed associates to release them if he or Ms. Vashukevich were killed or went missing.
“There is no investigation,” Mr. Cooper said. “The Americans are not interested. They want them to disappear, and Nastya in particular, because she is a living witness.”
By the standards of Pattaya, a city notorious for its adult entertainment, the sex seminar for about 30 Russian tourists was tame.
A hotel spokeswoman, Joyce Ong, said the workshop was run like a “normal corporate seminar,” and she denied earlier reports that the staff had called the police.
None of those arrested were charged with sexual misconduct. Ms. Vashukevich was both Mr. Kirillov’s star pupil and one of the instructors at the seminars.
The chief of Thailand’s Immigration Bureau, Suttipong Wongpin, said his department had restricted the pair’s visitors because letting them talk freely could harm Thailand’s relations with the United States and Russia.
“The detainees,” he said, “will just say whatever they want.”