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Trump Escalates Already-Deadly U.S. Border Policies, Ordering National Guard Troops to Mexico

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Democracy Now! [ / , ]

A new wave of troops could soon be deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border, even as border crossings by undocumented immigrants are at their lowest levels since 1971. The move comes as a caravan of Central American migrants and asylum seekers in Mexico has prompted a series of threats from President Trump. Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reports the Trump administration is requesting that the U.S. military build walls for at least one military base along the U.S.-Mexico border. We go to Tucson, Arizona, for an update from Todd Miller, a border security journalist and author of “Storming the Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Caravan of Central American Migrants Holds a Mirror to Cruel U.S. Immigration Policy & Imperialism

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Democracy Now!

Despite efforts by Mexican immigration authorities to disband a caravan of Central American migrants, hundreds are still bound for the U.S.-Mexico border. This comes after an early-morning tweet from President Trump that said the caravan “is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene.” The group People Without Borders, or Pueblo Sin Fronteras, has organized the caravan since 2010 to draw attention to the right to seek asylum and refuge. This year its members are disproportionately from Honduras, which remains in political upheaval after U.S.-backed right-wing President Juan Orlando Hernández was inaugurated for a second term despite allegations of widespread voting fraud in November. We get an update from Arturo Vizcarra, a volunteer with People Without Borders [ ]. He just returned from the caravan. [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


How the Wireless Industry Convinced the Public Cellphones Are Safe & Cherry-Picked Research on Risks

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Democracy Now!

Ninety-five out of every 100 American adults owns a cellphone today. And worldwide, three out of four adults now have cellphone access. The wireless industry is one of the fastest-growing on Earth, raking in annual sales of $440 billion in 2016. But are cellphones safe? A new investigation by The Nation suggests that’s a question that cellphone giants prefer you don’t ask. We speak with Mark Hertsgaard, The Nation’s environment correspondent and investigative editor. His report, co-authored with Mark Dowie, is headlined “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


How Big Wireless War-Gamed the Science on Risks, While Making Customers Addicted to Their Phones

Published on Apr 6, 2018 by Democracy Now!

We continue our conversation with Mark Hertsgaard, The Nation’s environment correspondent and investigative editor, who co-authored a major new exposé: “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe [ ].” He discusses how wireless companies “war-gamed the science” by funding friendly studies and attacking critical ones; the potential dangers of the pending expansion of 5G with the “Internet of Things”; the role of the telecommunications industry officials turned federal regulators; and how companies deliberately addicted customers to this technology through the addition of social media. [with embedded video, and transcript]

[originally published April 5, 2018] [with comments]


Full Show - China’s NUCLEAR Financial Option - 04/05/2018

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Real News with David Knight [ , ]

5Apr18 Broadcast

Forget the “trade war” that media & Wall Street are panicking over. As Trump pointed out, that was lost decades ago. Efforts to regain what we’ve lost & tit-for-tat response from China pales in comparison to the control China has over OUR currency — second only to Federal Reserve itself. Then, CDC pushes FUD (fear, uncertainty & doubt) over “Nightmare Bacteria”, UK govt & US military complex pushes a nightmare World War & Scott Pruitt’s EPA moves to stop the nightmare of California’s control over our economy, our liberty & our transportation. And, Roger Stone joins to explain the joke that mainstream media pretends to not understand.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Tide CEO: You Gotta Stop Eating Tide Pods | CH Shorts

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by CollegeHumor [ / , ]

The CEO of Tide, and apparently every other company, is having a hard time promoting their new products, because they are all poison shaped like a treat. [with (over 7,000) comments]


Statement From the Press Secretary on the Visit of Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar

Issued on: April 5, 2018

President Donald J. Trump will welcome Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar to the White House on April 10. The President looks forward to discussing ways to strengthen ties between the United States and Qatar and to advance our common security and economic priorities.


Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Additional Proposed Section 301 Remedies

Issued on: April 5, 2018

Following a thorough investigation under section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) determined that China has repeatedly engaged in practices to unfairly obtain America’s intellectual property. The practices detailed in the USTR’s investigation have caused concern around the world. China’s illicit trade practices - ignored for years by Washington - have destroyed thousands of American factories and millions of American jobs. On April 3, 2018, the USTR announced approximately $50 billion in proposed tariffs on imports from China as an initial means to obtain the elimination of policies and practices identified in the investigation.

Rather than remedy its misconduct, China has chosen to harm our farmers and manufacturers. In light of China’s unfair retaliation, I have instructed the USTR to consider whether $100 billion of additional tariffs would be appropriate under section 301 and, if so, to identify the products upon which to impose such tariffs. I have also instructed the Secretary of Agriculture, with the support of other members of my Cabinet, to use his broad authority to implement a plan to protect our farmers and agricultural interests.

Notwithstanding these actions, the United States is still prepared to have discussions in further support of our commitment to achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade and to protect the technology and intellectual property of American companies and American people. Trade barriers must be taken down to enhance economic growth in America and around the world. I am committed to enabling American companies and workers to compete on a level playing field around the world, and I will never allow unfair trade practices to undermine American interests.


Full Show - Delivering The GOODS! Trump Deploys Troops To Southern Border To Save The Republic - 04/05/2018

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

Thursday, April 5th 2018[, with an appearance by Roger Stone, and Jon Rappoport hosting the fourth hour]: Trump to Make Exports Abundant Again - As the US’s trade deficit rises to a near ten-year high, Americans look to Trump to put their economy first on the global stage. Also, in a controversial move, Mueller’s team has resorted to questioning and searching a Russian oligarch. Furthermore, President Trump’s approval rating soars as he sends the National Guard to defend America’s southern border. [with comments] [the heavily edited official Alex Jones upload at (title adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


Evolution of God

Published on Apr 11, 2018 by AronRa [ / , ]

This was my presentation to the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee on April 5th 2018. I didn't know it at the time, but there was a problem with the lav mic, so the only audio is from the HD cam. [with comments]


RWW News: Harry Jackson Says Black Lives Matter Can't Achieve Justice b/c There Are Lesbians Involved

Published on Apr 9, 2018 by RWW Blog [ / , ]

Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, right-wing pastor Harry Jackson says that Black Lives Matter cannot be trusted to bring about true justice in America because the movement has "a few lesbians" in leadership positions.

[from April 5, 2018] [with comments]


The real case against the resurrection of Christ (Part 1)

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Emperor Atheist [ , ]

Emperor atheist laying out his case against the resurrection of Christ.

Facts to show the Resurrection is not fiction, by William Lane Craig
Published on Mar 17, 2012 by ReasonableFaithTour [ / , ]
Extracts from the full presentation, which can be viewed at: ["This video does not exist. Sorry about that."], "The Evidence for Jesus's Resurrection" by Dr William Lane Craig. This lecture, followed by audience Q&A, was held in Southampton during the UK Reasonable Faith Tour (October 2011).
More videos from the tour can be viewed at:
More videos of Dr Craig's work can be viewed at:
Production of this presentation is sponsored by The Christian Evidence Society: [with comments] [with comments]


RWW News: Jim Bakker Says Attacks On Trump Are A Sign That 'America Is In A War Against God'

Published on Apr 6, 2018 by RWW Blog

Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, Jim Bakker says that the attacks on President Trump are a sign that "America is in a war against God" and that "the spirit of Antichrist" is loose in this nation.

[from April 5, 2018] [with comments]


Recovering From Religion: Jennifer

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by TheThinkingAtheist [ / , ]

Jennifer's fundamentalist culture placed strict limitations on women. When she finally walked away, was there to help. [with comments]


Press Gaggle by Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley
Aboard Air Force One
En Route Lewisburg, West Virginia
April 5, 2018 [official transcript]


Trump participates in roundtable on taxes

Streamed live on Apr 5, 2018 by Washington Post [ / , ]

President Trump participates in roundtable on taxes in West Virginia.

Remarks by President Trump at a Roundtable Discussion on Tax Reform
White Sulphur Springs Civic Center
White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
April 5, 2018 [official transcript]

Tax Reform Is Paying Off for Workers and Businesses in West Virginia and Around the Country
April 5, 2018

President Donald J. Trump’s Leadership on the Economy is Making A Difference For All Americans
“This is our new American moment. There has never been a better time to start living the American Dream.”
- President Donald J. Trump
April 5, 2018 [Trump's performance begins at c. the 43:40 mark; with comments] [official White House upload at (with comments), and also at (with comments)]


Remarks by President Trump in Press Gaggle en route Washington, D.C.

Issued on: April 5, 2018

Aboard Air Force One
En Route Washington, D.C.

4:22 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: (In progress) — very happy. Thought it was really great.

Q How are you feeling about Scott Pruitt, Mr. President? Is he —

THE PRESIDENT: I think he’s done a fantastic job at EPA. I think he’s done an incredible job. He’s been very courageous. Hasn’t been easy, but I think he’s done an absolutely fantastic job. I think he’ll be fine.

Q (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT: I think he’ll be fine. Yeah, I want to look at it. I haven’t seen the details, but I can tell you, at EPA he has done a fantastic job.

Q Are you bothered by the reports about him, sir?


Q Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: Who’s saying that? I have to look at it, and close. You know, I hear different versions of it. But I’ll make that determination.

But he’s a good man. He’s done a terrific job. But I’ll take a look at it very closely.

Q What did you think of his interview?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, I didn’t — with Ed Henry?

Q Yes.

THE PRESIDENT: Which one? Ed Henry?

Q Yes. With Fox.

THE PRESIDENT: It’s an interesting interview. (Laughs.)

Q Are you thinking about switching him out for Attorney General?

THE PRESIDENT: No, no. No, Scott is doing a great job where he is.

Q How many National Guard do you want to see at the border?

THE PRESIDENT: Anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000. We’re looking at a combination of from 2,000 to 4,000. We’re moving that along.

Q How much do you think that’s going to cost?

THE PRESIDENT: We’re looking at it, but, I mean, I have a pretty good idea. But it depends on what we do. But we’re looking from 2,000 to 4,000. And we’ll probably keep them, or a large portion of them, until such time as we get the wall.

Did you enjoy the roundtable? A little different, right?

Q (Inaudible) — about Amazon. You’ve been tweeting a lot about that. Are you going to actually take some action to change the law that would affect Amazon?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, Amazon is just not on an even playing field. You know, they have a tremendous lobbying effort, in addition to having The Washington Post, which is, as far as I’m concerned, another lobbyist. But they have a big lobbying effort. One of the biggest, frankly. One of the biggest. And it’s — you know, what they have is a very uneven playing field. You look at the sales tax situation — which is going to be taken up, I guess, very soon — it’s going to be a decision by the Supreme Court. So we’ll see what happens.

The Post Office is not doing well with Amazon, that I can tell you. But we’re going to see what happens. The playing field has to be level for everybody. That’s very important.

Q Would you like to make changes to make that level playing field?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m going to study it and we’re going to take a look. We’re going to take a very serious look at that. But I want, as long — hey, it’s very important for me. It’s got to be an even playing field for everybody.

Q Mr. President, did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?

THE PRESIDENT: No. No. What else?

Q Then why did Michael Cohen make those if there was no truth to her allegations?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney. And you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.

Q Do you know where he got the money to make that payment?

THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t know. No.

Q Did you ever set up a fund of money that he could draw from?

Q I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear your response earlier about Scott Pruitt. Are you still —


Q About Pruitt. I was — I couldn’t hear it.

THE PRESIDENT: I think that Scott has done a fantastic job. I think he’s a fantastic person. I believe — you know, I just left — I just left coal and energy country. They love Scott Pruitt. They feel very strongly about Scott Pruitt, and they love Scott Pruitt.

Thank you very much everybody. I’ll see you back in New York. Thank you.


4:26 P.M. EDT [official transcript]


Far-right women scapegoat migrant men for sexual violence in Europe

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by MMFA Alt. Channel [ / , ]

Women from identitarian, far-right #120db group blame migrant men for sexual violence in Europe. [comments disabled]


Hollywood's Most Controversial Sex Tape Broker

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by VICE [ / , , ]

VICE went to Los Angeles to meet Kevin Blatt, who's now become Hollywood's go-to guy when it comes to releasing or obtaining a celebrity sex tape.

After releasing Paris Hilton's '1 Night in Paris,' Blatt's been involved in sex scandals with A-list celebrities and was even an expert witness at the Hulk Hogan-Gawker trial.

On this episode of 'Fameish,' he leads VICE through the underground celebrity sex tape industry, arguing that his business has done "more good for people than bad." [with comments]


Celebrating 40 Years of Activism

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by FFRF [ / , ]

Director of Communications Amit Pal and Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor discuss FFRF celebrating our 40th anniversary today and looks back on decades of impressive activism. We send our thanks for your membership and support. [with comments]


Full Show - The Civil War Has Started - 04/05/2018

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by War Room [ , ]

As Maryland takes students’ 2nd Amendment right, President Trump expects to send as many as 4000 troops to US-Mexico border, while the civil war heats up in California between sanctuary city advocates and those who want lawful, legal immigration.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also. edited, at (with comments)]


China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Vox [ / , , ]

It's about more than just economics.

China's Belt and Road Initiative is the most ambitious infrastructure project in modern history. It spans over 60 countries and will cost over a trillion dollars. The plan is to make it easier for the world to trade with China, by funding roads, railways, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects in Asia and Africa. China is loaning trillions of dollars to any country that's willing to participate and it's been a big hit with the less democratic countries in the region. This makes the BRI a risky plan as well. But China is pushing forward because its goals are not strictly economic, they're also geopolitical.

To learn more, visit [with (approaching 11,000) comments]


Porn Star’s lawyer: Trump Denying Payment a “gift” that will backfire

The Beat with Ari Melber

Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti’s responds exclusively on The Beat to Trump denying knowledge of the $130K payment to his client, by Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen. Avenatti says Trump’s comments are “a gift from the heavens” and announces they will now be filing a new petition to depose Trump.

©2018 , [with comments]


How Paul Manafort’s attack on Mueller backfired on him and Fox News

The Beat with Ari Melber

A new DOJ memo has prompted some conservative pundits to launch attacks on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, after it explicitly stated Special Counsel Mueller has the authority to charge fmr. Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump ‘Art of the Deal’ co-author: The secret to protesting Trump

The Beat with Ari Melber

Trump’s ‘Art of the Deal’ co-author Tony Schwartz discusses students protesting gun violence and how activism has changed in the digital age. Schwartz tells Ari Melber there’s “an evolutionary force” emerging from an “extended tribe” of people who are organizing in the Trump era.

©2018 , [with comments]


Sheryl Sandberg: Facebook 'made big mistakes' on protecting user data

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg apologized Thursday for the social media giant’s data breach and admitted the company failed to do enough to protect the data of tens of millions of its users. In an interview with Judy Woodruff, Sandberg acknowledged the company “under-invested” in the safety and security of user data and said Facebook is now working to rectify that. [comments disabled]


Brazil's Evangelical Far Right Could Elect The Country's Next President (HBO)

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

Brazil’s supreme court ruled Wednesday that former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has to start serving a 12-year prison sentence immediately, even while he appeals his conviction for corruption. The ruling effectively knocks him out of this year’s presidential race — which he was leading in every poll.
Lula’s imprisonment sends the Brazilian left even deeper into a long-brewing crisis.

And Operation Car Wash — the sprawling corruption investigation that led to Lula’s conviction — has brought down and implicated high-level politicians by the dozen across the political spectrum. But it’s the right wing that has best taken advantage of the crisis that Car Wash caused, forcing Lula’s center-left Workers Party out of power — and now, with Lula almost certainly out of the way, clearing a path to the presidency.

One of the most powerful drivers in the rise of the Brazilian right is the rapid growth of Evangelical Christianity in a traditionally Catholic country.

Evangelicals have one of the most powerful blocs in the country, and high-profile pastors have the power to direct their congregations toward voting for (and donating to) their anointed candidates. That means the Evangelical machine is in better shape than most heading into this year’s elections — even more so now that Lula, the undisputed center of gravity on the Brazilian left, is effectively out of the way. [with comments]


Trey Gowdy Is Counting Down The Number Of Flights He Has Left Until He Can Leave D.C. For Good (HBO)

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by VICE News

South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy is retiring from Congress an unhappy man. He's even counting the number of trips to the airport he has left until he can leave DC for good.

"[T]o the extent men judge themselves based on what they do for a living, I don't have a lot to show for the last seven years," the departing Congressman told VICE News.

Among the most prominent members to be elected as part of the Tea Party wave in 2010, Gowdy gained national notoriety as a fiercely partisan interrogator of Hillary Clinton [included in full, YouTube and transcript, at/see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following (earlier this string)] following the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

He said he doesn't relish the reputation, or think it's justified. And it's helped drive him out of Congress.

But at least he made some friends along the way.

Watch VICE News' Charlottesville report here - [included at/see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding and following (earlier this string); with (nearly 24,000) comments] [with comments]


From bad to worse for Scott Pruitt

All In with Chris Hayes

The White House is making clear they're getting fed up with the EPA administrator - and the bad stories keep coming.



Trump makes first public comments on Stormy Daniels

All In with Chris Hayes

For the first time, President Trump addressed the Stormy Daniels scandal, telling reporters that he had no prior knowledge of the payment his lawyer Michael Cohen made to the adult film actress just weeks before the 2016 election.

©2018 , [with comments]


Mueller investigating whether Russians funded Trump: Report

All In with Chris Hayes

Robert Mueller may be pursuing a previously unknown angle in the Russia investigation - whether wealthy Russians illegally funneled cash to the president's campaign or his inauguration.



Icahn role shows common thread in Pruitt ethics, policy scandals

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks at the relationship between Donald Trump adviser Carl Icahn and EPA chief Scott Pruitt and how Icahn's business interests intertwine with Pruitt's ethics scandals and peculiar EPA policies.

©2018 , [with comments]


Sasse on Trump trade war: 'the dumbest possible way to do this'

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on Donald Trump raising the stakes in the trade war he is starting with China, and the reaction of Republican Senator Ben Sasse who says Trump is "threatening to light American agriculture on fire."



Wallace: Pruitt scandal is a White House dysfunction story

The Rachel Maddow Show

Nicolle Wallace talks with Rachel Maddow about why the scandals surrounding EPA chief Scott Pruitt have outgrown the bounds of his agency and are now part of the story of the dysfunctional Donald Trump White House.



Mueller not done with Manafort, also scrutinizing Michael Cohen

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on new court filings that show that Robert Mueller's prosecutors have executed another search warrant on Paul Manafort as recently as a month ago, and a new report that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has come into the investigative spotlight.



With two indictments already, Mueller still digging into Manafort

The Rachel Maddow Show

Joyce Vance, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about understanding special counsel Robert Mueller's strategy as he continues to execute search warrants on Paul Manafort and interviews Donald Trump's lawyer and business associates.



Avenatti reacts to Mueller/Cohen news, Trump's Stormy comments

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti joins Lawrence O'Donnell and Joy Reid to react to the new report that Robert Mueller is looking into Michael Cohen’s roles in Trump business deals — and Trump’s first public comments on Stormy Daniels.

©2018 , [with comments]


Mueller probing Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's role in Trump deals

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Kevin Hall, a senior investigative reporter for McClatchy who broke tonight's story about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation looking into Michael Cohen and the Trump Organization, joins Lawrence O'Donnell.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump denies considering Scott Pruitt to replace AG Sessions

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

President Trump says Scott Pruitt is doing a "great job" at the EPA, denying he will switch him to head the Justice Department. Lawrence O'Donnell argues that despite the denial, it's still a possibility. Joy Reid, Ron Klain, Jennifer Rubin & Josh Earnest weigh in.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump denies knowledge of payment to porn star Stormy Daniels

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Breaking his silence on Stormy Daniels while speaking to reporters on Air Force One, Trump says he had no knowledge of the $130,000 hush money payment made to the porn star by his attorney. Our panel breaks down the legal implications.


[originally aired April 5, 2018] , [with comments]


John Kelly has reportedly lost clout inside Trump's White House

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The Associated Press reports that White House Chief of Staff has lost clout with the president inside the White House. Our panel reacts.


[originally aired April 5, 2018]


Trump on scandal-plagued EPA boss: Pruitt's done a fantastic job

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

As the number of controversies and bad headlines grow for embattled EPA Director Scott Pruitt, Trump voices his support while speaking to reporters. Our panel reacts.


[originally aired April 5, 2018] , [with comments]


Cecile Richards - How Planned Parenthood is Faring Under President Trump | The Daily Show

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards talks about protecting access to birth control under President Trump and explains how white feminism can be more inclusive. [with comments]


Chloe x Halle - Connecting with Beyoncé and Creating “The Kids are Alright” | The Daily Show

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Sibling duo Chloe x Halle discuss their debut album "The Kids Are Alright" and describe their meteoric rise from YouTube obscurity to getting signed and mentored by Beyoncé. [with comments]


The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper - "Roseanne" Gives Conservatives a Safe Space

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]

Inspired by the success of the "Roseanne" reboot, Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson pitch other conservative revivals of classic sitcoms. [with comments]


Trump Breaks Silence on Stormy Daniels as Russia Probe Heats Up: A Closer Look

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a closer look at Trump floating the possibility of shuffling his Cabinet and breaking his silence on the Stormy Daniels scandal as the Russia investigation heats up. [with comments]


Searching for Hidden Secret Historic National Landmark on Ohio River

Published on Apr 5, 2018 by Bravo Von Muller [ , ]

Searching for a Hidden Secret Historic National Landmark on the Ohio River, The "Standard" aka The "Donald B" .., The last unaltered rear-wheel Towboat Paddlewheel afloat, (In service from 1923 to 2000). [with comments]


stashed April 5, 2018:

Kremlin Calls Facebook's Removal Of Russian Pages And Ads Censorship

Kremlin calls Facebook's removal of Russian media accounts censorship

Kremlin labels Facebook’s removal of Russian media accounts a hostile move

Kremlin Accuses Facebook of Censorship After Bot Accounts Deleted

The Kremlin Declares That Facebook’s Removal Of A Noted Russian Troll Farm Is ‘Censorship’

'There are no Oligarchs in Russia,' Kremlin Claims Amid Reports of New U.S. Sanctions

Kremlin: We'll wait to see if U.S. hits Russian tycoons with sanctions


Facebook Removes Feature It Says Was Being Used to Scrape User Data From Profiles

Did Facebook Suspend the Account of the Whistleblower Who Exposed Cambridge Analytica?
The social media giant suspended Christopher Wylie's account after he went public with accusations that the psychographics firm abused the platform.

Zuckerberg to Testify Before Congress on April 10 [Senate] and 11 [House]
Facebook confirmed that its CEO will testify before Senate and House Committees next week about the Cambridge Analytica data leak.

Facebook a big contributor to the committees in Congress that will question Mark Zuckerberg

How the Government Could Fix Facebook
After years of allowing the world’s largest social network to police itself, Congress and federal regulators are discussing some promising reforms.

38 Questions for Mark Zuckerberg
Congress has an incredible chance on Tuesday, when Facebook's CEO testifies. Here's how to make the most of it.

Australia launches investigation into Facebook over data scandal
Australia has launched a formal investigation into Facebook after the company revealed information about hundreds of thousands of Australians was potentially exposed to data research firm Cambridge Analytica.

Facebook will release more data about election interference, but only after the election
The company will report on fake news, hate speech, and other problematic posts, Mark Zuckerberg tells The Verge

Mark Zuckerberg refuses to quit Facebook after being asked about data harvesting scandal
The boss said he took full responsibility for the 'mistakes' – and so the only person he could fire is himself

Highlights and audio from Zuckerberg’s emotional Q&A on scandals
The CEO admits failure and lays plans for a more mature Facebook


Outgoing Trump administration officials keep sending distress signals


Pruitt’s troubles deepen
But President Donald Trump expressed confidence in the embattled EPA chief, who is facing another possible inspector general probe.


British U.N. diplomat tells Russian envoy to ‘bring it on’

'Business as usual' with Russia defeats sanctions

The Guardian view on the Skripal case: a long battle for values
Russia is engaging in an aggressive disinformation war over the Skripal poisoning. It would be disastrous to respond in kind

The Latest: UK envoy fears Moscow aim to ‘build a narrative’ - AP - call for U.N. Security Council meeting re Skripal poisoning

Top diplomats of Russia and China assail US 'unilateralism' - AP


We are on path to authoritarianism -- Paul O’ Connell

Mueller’s Russia probe shows it pays to cooperate

For Trump and his generals, ‘victory’ has different meanings - Syria

Turkey or Kurdish YPG militia? Pick a side, Turkish minister tells France


Settlement reached in third lawsuit accusing NYPD of spying on Muslims

NYPD settles lawsuit after illegally spying on Muslims
Muslim leaders say agreement will prevent future abuses
2012 suit after report revealed NYPD spied on mosques and student groups in New Jersey

Muslim groups, NYPD reach agreement on NJ spying

NYC and Muslim groups announce civil rights case settlement - AP

Settlement close in suit accusing NYPD of spying on Muslims


Why China Is Confident It Can Beat Trump in a Trade War

U.S. Farmers Likely To Be Among Hardest Hit By Chinese Tariffs

Chinese state media claims victory in trade dispute so far, saying Beijing's tariffs will hurt Trump voters
"China stands firm and wins first battle of Sino-US trade war," China's official People's Daily newspaper said in the headline of a Chinese-language article Thursday.
China's tariffs "hit [Trump] where it hurts. ... The origins of these products are places where people tend to vote for Trump," the People's Daily said.
U.S. President Donald "Trump has already proved himself wrong because China has demonstrated that it can't be coerced and is fully determined to reciprocate," a separate, English-language editorial from the China Daily said Thursday.

China has one major weapon in its arsenal in its trade war against the US
China has yet to use its biggest American import, government debt, against the US in its trade war over tariffs.
China held around $1.17 trillion of Treasuries as of the end of January, making it the largest of America's foregin debtors.
Taking aim at U.S. Treasuries could hurt global investors and finances and make it more costly to finance the federal government.


Former Trump aide approved 'black ops' to help Ukraine president
Exclusive: Paul Manafort authorised secret media operation that sought to discredit key opponent of then Ukrainian president

Manafort authorized anti-Clinton ‘black ops’ in Ukraine — years before Russia used the same tactics to help Trump

Albania, Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania Collateral Damage in Manafort Ukrainian Smear Campaign

World's biggest plane leaves Ukraine for first commercial mission after modernization - Antonov An-225 Mriya


Why Are We Just Finding Out Now That All Two Billion Facebook Users May Have Been Harvested?

Facebook Removes Feature It Says Was Being Used to Scrape User Data From Profiles

Facebook and the very real problem of keeping student data private

Private Messages Aren't Exactly Private at Facebook
The company scans them for harmful behavior, but its policies on doing so are a little murky.


Trump wants it both ways on border crossings

Trump Signs Proclamation Directing Troops to Secure Border

Mexicans want to strike back after Trump sends the National Guard to the border
President Donald Trump has authorized the deployment of National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border.
It would not be the first such deployment, but it has drawn the ire of Mexican citizens and lawmakers.
Trump has long railed against Mexico, and critics on both sides of the border say that harming the relationship hurts the US.

Under Trump, an Office Meant to Help Refugees Enters the Abortion Wars
WASHINGTON — Scott Lloyd’s unadorned job title betrays little hint of the power he has over the pregnant teenagers in his custody.
As director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, he oversees the assistance program for the tens of thousands of refugees who still seek shelter in the United States, even with the Trump administration’s crackdown. But as the government official who is also responsible for the care of young, undocumented refugees, he spends much of his time trying to stop those who want an abortion.
He has instructed his staff to give him a spreadsheet each week that tells him about any unaccompanied minors who have asked for one and how far along they are in their pregnancy. In at least one case he directed staff to read to one girl a description of what happens during an abortion. And when there’s a need for counseling, Mr. Lloyd’s office calls on someone from its list of preferred “life affirming” pregnancy resource centers.
Last fall Mr. Lloyd’s refusal to let a 17-year-old in Texas leave the shelter where she was living to get an abortion drew an admonishment from a federal judge who said she was “astounded” the government had been so insistent on keeping someone from obtaining a constitutionally protected procedure. Last week another judge barred him from trying to prevent any girl in his care from getting an abortion, but government lawyers have asked for a stay and plan to appeal.
How Mr. Lloyd, an appointee of President Trump, turned a small office in the Department of Health and Human Services that provides social services to refugees into a battleground over abortion rights is part of the larger story of the Trump administration’s push to enact rules that favor socially conservative positions on issues like abortion, contraception and gay, lesbian and transgender rights.
Unlike some traditional Republicans, many religious conservatives eagerly sought jobs in the administration and the chance to shape policy after eight years of a Democratic president. This was especially true at H.H.S., where the senior ranks are staffed with former activists who have built careers advancing socially conservative causes.
Some of those hires at H.H.S. include a deputy general counsel who was a lawyer with the Alliance Defending Freedom, a well-funded conservative legal group that opposes gay rights and abortion and fought the Obama administration’s contraception coverage requirements; the chief of staff to the assistant secretary for health, who used to lead an abstinence advocacy group; and the head of the department’s Office for Civil Rights, whose work at the Heritage Foundation involved promoting religious freedom initiatives.
After a relatively slow start as key personnel were put in place, the department has been responsible for a flurry of new policies. It has told states that they no longer have to follow Obama-era rules that made it difficult to withhold Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood. It has announced the creation of an entity inside its Office for Civil Rights called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, which will respond to alleged violations of conscience and religious protections. And its new strategic plan commits the department to “protecting Americans at every stage of life, from conception.”
The result, activists on both sides of the fight say, is that no White House has been as aggressive in shaping policy in a way that hews so closely to the priorities of the religious right.
“Times are changing,” said Roger Severino, the head of the Office for Civil Rights, as he announced the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division this year. “And we are institutionalizing a change in the culture of government, beginning with H.H.S.”
Unlike previous Republican administrations, when it was Congress or the Supreme Court that initiated the biggest changes to abortion law, many of the most significant developments today are occurring at the agency level, largely out of public view. And that troubles liberal advocates like the American Civil Liberties Union, which has sued Mr. Lloyd and won several times.
“There’s much more action at the federal level under Trump than there has been with other administrations,” said Jennifer Dalven, the director of the A.C.L.U.’s Reproductive Freedom Project.
And when that action occurs mostly under the radar, she added, “you don’t provoke the same level of outrage from the public. It’s quiet. People don’t see it. And unlike if you were to overturn Roe v. Wade, you don’t have people marching in the streets.”
Since the week he took office, Mr. Trump has issued several orders that have thrown up roadblocks to access to abortion and reproductive health care.
Just three days after his inauguration, he reinstated a policy first implemented by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 that prohibits foreign nongovernmental organizations from performing or discussing abortions as a family planning option if they want to receive American funding.
While this decision was something Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush also implemented, the Trump administration went further and expanded its order to say that if these nongovernmental organizations did offer or suggest abortion as an option, they would be ineligible not just for family planning assistance but for funding for a host of other unrelated health concerns — like HIV awareness, malaria and nutrition. That put billions of dollars of American aid in jeopardy.
“Trump being Trump, he didn’t just reinstate,” said Ilyse Hogue, the president of Naral Pro-Choice America. “He applied it to a much larger pot of money.”
But the administration’s most sweeping changes yet could come with proposed rules it announced in January. The proposals would expand protections for doctors, nurses and possibly a much wider pool of workers more loosely connected to health services who say that assisting with procedures like abortion and gender reassignment surgery would violate their religious beliefs. The administration is reviewing more than 55,000 comments on the proposals and could issue final rules later this year.
Critics say the language is so broad it could apply to virtually anyone, no matter how tangentially connected to the health care procedure or service they consider immoral.
“If you are the contractor who empties the waste baskets at a health plan and that health plan covers abortion, you can refuse without being fired,” said Clare Coleman, the president of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association.
Like his colleagues in other parts of H.H.S., Mr. Lloyd, who declined requests for comment, has a history in the anti-abortion movement. Before he joined the Trump administration, he worked as a policy coordinator for the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic fraternal order, and served on the board of a crisis pregnancy center in Virginia. On the résumé and cover letter he submitted to the department, he listed his work experience as the “architect” of a late-term abortion ban that is now law in six states.
While anti-abortion work has been his passion, Mr. Lloyd’s job as director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement entails broad responsibilities for helping people of all ages who are trying to resettle in the United States with financial, medical and other assistance. That undocumented minors have been caught up in his personal quest to fight abortion is something of a bureaucratic quirk. Minors are under the care of his office; the placement of adult refugees is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security.
The Administration for Children and Families at H.H.S., which oversees the Office of Refugee Resettlement, said in a statement that as the legal guardian for the minors, Mr. Lloyd’s office is required by law to act with the girls’ interests in mind. And the Trump administration has determined, the statement added, that “the best interests of illegal immigrant children in our care include the protection of mothers and their babies in our facilities, and we will defend human dignity for all in our care.”
Mr. Lloyd has taken the position that as unauthorized immigrants, the girls are not entitled to the same constitutional protections as citizens. Under questioning from an A.C.L.U. lawyer during a deposition, he said he did not know of any set of circumstances that would cause him to grant an abortion request, though he said that if a girl’s life were in danger that could “potentially” sway him. He has denied at least one request for an abortion from a girl who said she had been raped.
Anti-abortion groups have welcomed his defiance as a hopeful sign. And they echo what H.H.S. officials have said themselves: A new culture is taking hold inside the Trump administration.
“If you think this is just an appendectomy, you rush that person to the hospital,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List. “But if you think that an abortion is actually taking another person’s life, you pause, you think, you consider and figure out other options. And I think that’s where the Trump administration is coming from.”


The case for extreme worry - re Trump

Sally Yates Says While ‘Elections Have Consequences,’ Trump Goes Too Far
(A conversation with Sally Q. Yates, the former acting attorney general )

Sally Yates blasts Trump for 'relentless attack on democratic institutions and norms'

Ex-acting Attorney General Sally Yates rips Trump’s ‘relentless attack on democratic institutions and norms’


Job Changes for E.P.A. Officials Who Questioned Scott Pruitt
WASHINGTON — At least five officials at the Environmental Protection Agency, four of them high-ranking, were reassigned or demoted, or requested new jobs in the past year after they raised concerns about the spending and management of the agency’s administrator, Scott Pruitt.
The concerns included unusually large spending on office furniture and first-class travel, as well as certain demands by Mr. Pruitt for security coverage, such as requests for a bulletproof vehicle and an expanded 20-person protective detail, according to people who worked for or with the E.P.A. and have direct knowledge of the situation.
Mr. Pruitt bristled when the officials — four career E.P.A. employees and one Trump administration political appointee — confronted him, the people said.

Consumer Bureau’s Chief Gives Big Raises, Even as He Criticizes Spending
Mick Mulvaney, the acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has complained that the regulator engages in “wasteful spending” and needs to be slimmed down. To underscore the point, he submitted a quarterly budget request recently that was a nice round number: $0.
That attitude, though, apparently didn’t apply to two of his recent hires.
Mr. Mulvaney appointed two senior staff members who are paid salaries of more than $230,000, amounts that are far above what they had been earning in their previous government jobs in Washington, according to agency documents obtained by The New York Times through a public records request.

Stop the G.O.P.’s Conservation Demolition Crew
In Graham Greene’s short story “The Destructors,” a gang of arrogant boys demolishes the home of a stranger. They break into the man’s dwelling and, in an act of arbitrary aggression, dismantle it piece by piece. They rip up the floorboards and saw the support beams. They smash the glass and shred the wiring. They strip it to its plumbing and finally pull down its walls.
“My house,” their victim sobs when he discovers the wreckage. “Where’s my house?”
This is a tale for our times. There are destroyers everywhere, from the White House on down. But there is one particular demolition crew that needs your urgent attention, because its work stands apart for both sheer ambition and lasting harm. The demolition crew is called the House Committee on Natural Resources. Led by the powerful Representative Rob Bishop of Utah, a Republican, it is intent on erasing the great edifice that we call American conservation.
For more than a century, the people of the United States have been at work building this country’s conservation system. Like a family of visionary architects laboring over many generations, citizens here have erected a system of ideas and policies meant to ensure our society’s future by protecting it from ecological devastation. This system is built atop a few foundational laws: the Antiquities Act of 1906, the Wilderness Act of 1964, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973, among others. Destroy this architecture of environmental sanity, and you destroy our conservation heritage.
The destruction is already well underway. Even as I write, Mr. Bishop and the other members of the House Committee on Natural Resources are waging a relentless assault on each and every one of these essential laws. If they succeed, our priceless public lands, water and wildlife will suffer irreversible damage.

Trump says he didn't know about Stormy Daniels payment

Stormy Daniels attorney: Trump forced lawyers to 'sit down' after making a 'disaster of their case'

Lawyer who cut deals for Daniels and McDougal says the whole truth has not been told

Stormy Daniels's lawyer: '60 Minutes' left out description of Trump genitalia


Michelle Obama appearance in Boston - live at c. 4:15p CT 4-5-18:
Conversation with Michelle Obama at Simmons College Leadership Conference | April 5 2018 [another, packed with ads, at , CNN excerpt ]

Scott Pruitt asked to use sirens in D.C. traffic and was told no for non-emergency

Agent on security detail reassigned after telling Pruitt he couldn't use siren for nonemergencies: report


Pruitt fell behind on payments for his $50-a-night condo rental
Trump said Thursday he still has confidence in his EPA chief, even as the agency is considering adding a review of Pruitt's lease arrangement amid other ethics probes.


Pruitt's EPA paid for lobbyist's condo door after security busted it
Mar 31, 2018

Scott Pruitt Says His Lobbyist Landlord’s Clients Didn’t Have Business Before the EPA. They Did.
The EPA chief’s defense of his sweetheart rental is lacking some basic facts.


Dem scrutinizes Pruitt’s Morocco trip, gas industry ties - Maddow open 4-5-18

More scrutiny for Pruitt's Morocco trip from Democrats, EPA inspector general

Pruitt Plot Thickens: Koch Industries Bought Stake in LNG Giant Cheniere

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained
Trump still thinks Pruitt has done “a fantastic job.”


Trump Doubles Down on Potential Trade War With China

U.S. to Consider Additional $100 Billion in China Tariffs - on top of the $50 billion c. 2 days ago - on top of the initial steel/aluminum tariffs
Trump cited China’s ‘unfair retaliation’ as a reason for additional potential levies

China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade
Vox [included in the body of this post above]


Futures fall as Trump seeks $100 billion in additional China tariffs - Dow futures down 290 as I compile this
After previously identifying $50 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods, president asks for $100 billion more


U.S. Diplomat Expulsions Deepen Divisions With Russia
Kremlin fails to get support for a joint investigation into the use of nerve agent in the U.K.

U.S. expected to hit Russia with more sanctions related to election meddling

Trump administration to hit more Russians [oligarchs] with sanctions - AP

China and Russia have forged a military 'partnership' — and they want the US to pay attention
China's defense minister met his Russian counterpart in Moscow on Tuesday to show that they have forged a "strategic partnership" to oppose the US.
"The Chinese side has come [to Moscow] to show Americans the close ties between the armed forces of China and Russia ... we've come to support you," Gen. Wei Fenghe, China's new defense minister, said.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also met in Moscow on Thursday where they expressed the same sentiment of a forged "strategic partnership."


Trump declares that his voter-fraud conspiracy theory is ‘not a conspiracy theory’

Donald Trump's illegal voters fantasy, part 281

Trump Claims Without Evidence That Millions Of People Are Voting Illegally In California
“They always like to say: ‘Oh that’s a conspiracy theory.’ Not a conspiracy theory folks.”


Mexican president rebukes Trump over border threats

Mexico Agrees to Pay for Trump’s Psychiatric Care
By Andy Borowitz


Mueller using information related to searches of Manafort's belongings for ongoing investigation

It looks like Paul Manafort’s “Hail Mary” case against Mueller is going down in flames
“I don’t really understand what is left of your case.”

U.S. judge appears dismissive of Manafort lawsuit challenging Mueller appointment

Paul Manafort’s New Legal Nightmare Is Even Worse News for Trump
The existence of the Rosenstein Memo blows a hole in Manafort’s defense—and sheds new light on the collusion question.


Mueller probe tracking down Trump business partners, with [Michael] Cohen a focus of queries
WASHINGTON - Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators this week questioned an associate of the Trump Organization who was involved in overseas deals with President Donald Trump’s company in recent years.
Armed with subpoenas compelling electronic records and sworn testimony, Mueller’s team showed up unannounced at the home of the business associate, who was a party to multiple transactions connected to Trump’s effort to expand his brand abroad, according to persons familiar with the proceedings.
Investigators were particularly interested in interactions involving Michael D. Cohen, Trump’s longtime personal attorney and a former Trump Organization employee. Among other things, Cohen was involved in business deals secured or sought by the Trump Organization in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia.
The move to question business associates of the president adds a significant new element to the Mueller investigation, which began by probing whether the Trump campaign and Russia colluded in an effort to get Trump elected but has branched far beyond that.
It’s unclear how many properties or deals the Mueller team might be looking at; the Trump Organization’s foreign business relationships span the globe from properties in Panama, Brazil and Uruguay to Azerbaijan and Georgia. Trump’s children — Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric — were parties to talks involving many of the dealings. Generally, the discussions revolved around licensing fees for use of the Trump name.

Mueller Probe Now Includes Trump’s Business Associates


Mueller moved to seize bank accounts in Manafort probe
Special counsel also obtained search warrant for info on 5 phones in ongoing investigation just last month
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office moved to seize bank accounts at three different financial institutions last year just one day before former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was indicted, prosecutors disclosed in a court filing Thursday.
The previously unknown move against the bank accounts was revealed in a list of search and seizure warrants prosecutors submitted to a federal court in Washington after Manafort's defense team complained that the government was withholding too many details about how the warrants were obtained.


A key Mueller witness has close ties to Russia
George Nader is reportedly so close to the Kremlin that he’s taken a photo with Putin.

Mueller (Quietly) Keeps Turning Up the Heat

There’s only one way to guarantee we’ll see Mueller’s report
By Eugene Robinson


Suspect detonates small bomb at Ontario Sam's Club, prompting evacuation - Hugo Gonzalez

Explosive device detonates at Sam's Club in Ontario; suspect in custody after brief chase

Fontana man in custody after explosive device detonated inside Ontario Sam’s Club


Russia starts disruptive exercises a day after Baltic leaders meet with Trump - WaPo

As Trump mulls a pullout, IS attempts to re-emerge in Syria,-IS-attempts-to-re-emerge-in-Syria

In Eastern Europe, the E.U. faces a rebellion more threatening than Brexit
BUDAPEST - It was a continent-wide party to mark the end of history.
On a spring night in 2004, a chorus sang in a Warsaw square. Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” — the anthem of the European Union — echoed across once-bloody frontiers. Midnight fireworks sparkled along the Mediterranean. The next morning, organizers set a white-tablecloth breakfast on Budapest’s Chain Bridge for revelers still celebrating the dawn of a new era for Europe.
“The divisions of the Cold War are gone — once and for all,” declared then-European Commission President Romano Prodi as he welcomed 10 new members to the E.U., eight from the former communist East.
And yet, 14 years later, new divisions are emerging — many of them following old lines. The triumph of liberal democracy is being attacked from within by E.U. members that openly deride the club’s values, principles and rules. The bloc, meanwhile, has been incapable of fighting back, its weakness a side effect of the optimism with which it grew.
Ground zero for the rebellion is here in Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban is running for reelection Sunday with boasts of his illiberalism, swipes at the hostile E.U. “empire” and promises to further tighten his grip on a country dancing ever closer to the edge of autocracy.

Inside a White House in tumult, John Kelly’s clout dwindles,-John-Kelly's-clout-dwindles

Trump floated replacing Sessions with Pruitt this week despite scandals

Mulvaney gives big pay bumps to his hires at consumer agency

Trump: 2,000-4,000 troops needed for Mexico border security

When you are not allowed to speak the truth, maybe it is time to leave - re Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen - 4-4-18 nriefing, re troops to border

Why Trump went after Bezos: Two billionaires across a cultural divide

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers

Lewandowski to Democrats: I'm not answering your 'f---ing' questions
(CNN) - Corey Lewandowski had a blunt message for Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee: He wasn't going to answer their "fucking" questions.
Lewandowski, President Donald Trump's former campaign manager, was the final witness in the yearlong House investigation that descended into vitriol and back-biting -- ultimately resulting in two separate partisan reports that will leave the American public no closer to learning how the Russians interfered in the 2016 elections.
But Lewandowski, who agreed to come back to the committee a second time in March after initially refusing to answer questions about topics occurring once he left the campaign in June 2016, was in no mood to give Democrats anything they wanted, saying he would only answer "relevant" questions.
And, according to four sources with direct knowledge of the situation, the Trump confidante repeatedly swore at Democratic lawmakers to make the point he wasn't going to talk further.
I'm not answering your "fucking" question, Lewandowski shouted at one point.
Democrats, including Rep. Jackie Speier, fired back at Lewandowski, who was not moved, multiple sources said.
Democrats said that Lewandowski wouldn't discuss the firing of FBI Director James Comey, the White House response to revelations that Donald Trump Jr. met with Russians in Trump Tower in June 2016 and his conversations with the President, among other topics.
Republicans sided with Lewandowski, saying he had spent hours before the panel answering questions pertinent to the inquiry.
And in an interview this week, Lewandowski did not dispute using those words.
"I had to repeat on multiple occasions that there was no collusion, cooperation or coordination because the Democrats couldn't understand my plain English way of speaking," Lewandowski told CNN.
After this story published, Lewandowski told CNN that Democrats on the committee were the first to use foul language during his testimony, saying, "I felt the need to respond in kind." He said he did not shout at the members.
"The language they used in the committee was appalling," Lewandowski said. "I've never heard such language used before."
Lewandowski said he did "not recall" precisely what was said, and declined to name the Democratic members of the committee he was referring to.
The previously unreported episode underscores just how far the House investigation had fallen off the rails, marking a fitting end to an investigation that began with a bipartisan announcement and news conference from House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat — and quickly devolved into partisan acrimony.
"There wasn't one tipping point that changed the mood of the committee," said Rep. Chris Stewart, a Utah Republican who sits on the panel. "It wasn't a slash with a sword, it was more of 1,000 paper cuts that wore away and eroded that."
This account of how the House Intelligence Committee investigation broke down is based on more than a dozen interviews with committee members, current and former aides and others who interacted with the committee's investigation. Some officials spoke on the record and others insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive committee matters.
Democrats cast the blame primarily on Nunes, arguing that he was out to undermine the probe from the get-go, a member of the Trump transition team whose primary goal was to protect the President. Egged on by Nunes' staff, the Democrats say, Rep. Mike Conaway and other Republicans willingly went along with an effort to rush the probe to conclude there was no collusion.
Schiff said Conaway, the Republican in charge of the Russia investigation after Nunes stepped aside last April, was "forced on the most important decisions to confer" with Nunes, who sat on numerous Democratic requests for subpoenas and refused to schedule dozens of witness interviews.
"I can only conclude that he views his mission as protecting the President," Schiff said of Nunes.
But Republicans argue that Schiff and his fellow Democrats shoulder the blame for the committee's partisan war, starting with the push to remove Nunes as head of the committee with what they argue were trumped-up, partisan ethics charges. They say that Democrats have tried to draw out the investigation as long as possible once the anticipated smoking gun proving collusion failed to materialize.
"Given the overall backdrop of how many folks don't like Trump, how many folks do like Trump — and the raw partisan nature of all of that and that debate — I don't know that we could have done it differently or it would have wound up any differently," Conaway told CNN.
While Republicans and Democrats are at odds about nearly everything involving the investigation, there is one thing they now agree on: The writing had been on the wall for months — if not from the beginning — that the probe into Trump and Russia was doomed to devolve into a partisan brawl.
Regardless of the narrative, lawmakers on both sides point to a fateful week in March 2017 as the key turning point from which the House Intelligence Russia investigation was never able to recover.
A trip to the White House
One day after then-FBI Director James Comey told the committee in March 2017 that the FBI was investigating ties between Trump and Russia, Nunes took a clandestine trip to the White House grounds, claiming to be in possession of information showing Trump officials' communications were intercepted by US intelligence. The next day, Nunes held a news conference and went to the White House to brief the President, a move that set off a firestorm from Democrats, prompting Schiff to call for Nunes to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
Nunes initially refused, but the pressure on him mounted as more details emerged about how he had received the information from two officials at the White House. Just over two weeks later, amid a new House Ethics Committee probe into whether he had revealed classified information while discussing the intercepts, Nunes stepped aside and put Conaway in charge, along with by Reps. Tom Rooney of Florida and Trey Gowdy of South Carolina.
For a time, there was a "burst of cooperation" between Conaway and Schiff after the Texas Republican took over, according to sources from both parties.
But the scar tissue on the committee over the Nunes episode hadn't disappeared, and the episode left both sides deeply untrusting of the other.
Some Republicans believed committee Democrats were complicit in the use of an underhanded tactic to force Nunes aside, after liberal advocacy groups filed the complaint that prompted the Ethics Committee investigation, which ultimately cleared Nunes in December.
"The fact that an ethics complaint was filed against him was crossing a line," said a Republican close to the committee. "It was irreconcilable as to how the parties would work together where one views they're on a political revenge march versus an investigation. ... Not one Democrat on the committee willing to say this was destructive, this was baseless."
But to Democrats, Nunes' secret trip to the White House had only proven their worst suspicions that point of the investigation was to clear the President.
"It's hard to argue he hadn't pre-planned this would make some effort to show that they were trying to find out what happened, but to make sure it was guarded at all times," said Rep. Mike Quigley, an Illinois Democrat. "This was a designed failure. It was designed to tank, and most importantly protect the President politically and legally. And it succeeded in their efforts."
Nunes steps aside, sort of
While Nunes publicly had stepped aside from the probe in April 2017, he remained involved in quiet ways.
Democrats were surprised to learn Nunes retained subpoena power for the Russia investigation, and they say Nunes frequently blocked their efforts to issue subpoenas or call witnesses, although Conaway says he received any subpoena he has asked for from Nunes.
And Nunes had subpoenas of his own, too.
When the committee issued its first Russia-related subpoenas, for instance, to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen, Nunes at the same time also subpoenaed former Obama administration officials over "unmasking," or revealing the identities of Americans who were communicating with foreign officials under surveillance by the US intelligence community.
Subpoenas would continue to be a sore spot in the investigation, particularly when Lewandowski, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and former White House communications director Hope Hicks testified earlier this year and would not discuss events after Trump was in the White House. Last month, Schiff released a list of nearly three dozen people and entities he thought should have been subpoenaed in the investigation.
Nunes would continue to loom over the Russia investigation in other ways.
Two of his aides took a trip in the summer to London in an attempt to make contact with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled a dossier of allegations of Trump ties to Russia, without alerting Democrats or even Conaway.
Conaway has downplayed the trip's significance, saying the staffers were already in London on other committee business. But one committee source told CNN that the trip occurred as there were early discussions underway about having Conaway and Schiff try to go speak to Steele together.
Nunes was also working on his own investigation in parallel to the Russia probe, an effort focused on the Steele dossier. His committee went to court to enforce a subpoena obtaining the bank records of Fusion GPS, the firm that paid Steele, and he threatened to hold senior Justice Department and FBI officials in contempt over documents related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Nunes' efforts culminated in the memo he released in January accusing the FBI of abusing the surveillance process with the warrant on Page. The Nunes memo sparked a counter-memo from Democrats and threw the committee into a month-long feud that was arguably its most-heated partisan fight.
A spokesman for Nunes declined to comment.
Fights in public and private
The reality was the partisan brawling sparked by the memos was a product of months of tension bubbling under the surface.
During last summer as the committee investigation marched on, Schiff and Conaway held weekly meetings about the investigation. But as summer turned to fall, the meetings became less frequent and then stopped happening at all, according to a committee source.
At the same time, the pace of the witness interviews accelerated, often with multiple interviews in a single day in November and December. Witnesses, at times, would meet with the panel before members had a chance to review any records that were submitted to the committee, which Democrats said impaired their ability to ask relevant questions.
The quickened schedule prompted Democratic predictions that Republicans were trying to shut down the investigation soon after the calendar turned to 2018, while Republicans began accusing Democrats of trying to stretch out the investigation into the midterm campaign season.
Many Republicans on the committee grew agitated with the frequent television appearances of Schiff and other committee Democrats. Several Republicans suggested Schiff was using the committee to position himself for a potential Senate run had Sen. Dianne Feinstein retired (she has since said she'll run for re-election).
Schiff disputed that contention, pointing to the frequent television appearances by Gowdy.
"What bothered them was that we were exposing their malfeasance," Schiff said of Republicans.
Republicans also accused their Democratic counterparts of leaking committee testimony and documents to drive anti-Trump stories. The committee's Republicans even tallied the list of leaks they said had originated from Democrats, a statistic that was included in materials the committee and Speaker Paul Ryan's office used to defend the investigation.
But the leak accusations came from both sides: Donald Trump Jr.'s attorney alleged that Democrats were leaking testimony in the middle of his client's hearing, while Nunes and committee Republicans were accused of leaking witness testimony to Cohen's attorney, as well as the text messages of Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
The partisan accusations didn't stop when the committee interviewed witnesses in closed settings either.
One Republican close to the panel said that during witness interviews, "Schiff and his team could not stop attacking their Republican counterparts."
Democrats, meanwhile, said Republicans asked merely superficial questions — simply asking Trump officials if they had colluded cooperated or coordinated with Russians — and tried to protect witnesses like Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
And now Democrats are pushing for the release of the transcripts, something Conaway once said he was open to but has since backed away from.
"They are now doing a complete about-face and have flip-flopped on this," Schiff said.
Is this the end?
Last month, the committee's Republicans announced they had concluded their investigation and had a 150-page report with the panel's findings, a number that ballooned by roughly 100 pages by the time the committee voted out the report the following week, according to Conaway.
The report, which hasn't been made public yet, found no evidence of collusion, a conclusion that Republicans have stood by but Democrats say was engineered from the start.
"We set out with four goals that we hope to accomplish with the committee, and by and large we accomplished those goals," Stewart said. "The committee has had a breakdown in bipartisanship, but I don't think that entirely stopped us from doing the work we need to do."
But the Russia fight doesn't appear over. Democrats are preparing a separate report from Republicans, and they're also starting their own Russia investigation with witnesses willing to come forward, like former Cambridge Analytica contractor Christopher Wylie.
And Nunes' investigation into the dossier is continuing, too, with a probe of the State Department, as he tries to determine who else in the Obama administration was aware of the Steele dossier.
"The Republicans haven't stopped the investigation," Schiff said. "It's just the Russia piece they don't want to do anymore."


We’re journalists at a Sinclair news station. We’re pissed.
Some of us wish we could quit — but our hands are tied.


Human brains make new nerve cells — and lots of them — well into old age - tie
Previous studies have suggested neurogenesis tapers off or stops altogether
as v. older study

Elderly adults grow as many new brain cells as teenagers do, study finds

Surprise! Scientists find signs of new brain cells in adults as old as 79

Elderly adults grow just as many new brain cells as 20-year-olds, study claims
Researchers at Columbia University examined the part of the brain responsible for cognition and memory
They found that people aged 79 had just as many new neurons forming in the hippocampus as people aged 14
Poor circuitry in the hippocampus is thought to have a key role in Alzheimer's
This contradicts prior research that claimed neurons stop growing after age 13
But the new study's authors say their methodology is unique and comprehensive
The finding may pave the way to new types of treatments for memory decline

Scientists Find Very Young Cells in Even Very Old Brains

Hold Up, Maybe Our Brains Actually Can Grow Back Neurons


Substantial Lack Of Phosphorus In The Universe Makes Finding Alien Life Unlikely

Crucial Ingredient of Life Might Not Exist Across Universe, Scientists Discover

Paucity of phosphorus hints at precarious path for extraterrestrial life - [very] preliminary results, nothing published yet

To Find Life in Our Galaxy, Follow the Phosphorus
New research into the composition of supernova remnants suggests phosphorus might be isolated in parts of the galaxy—and phosphorus is a requirement for life as we know it.

Phosphorus — a crucial ingredient for life — might be a lot less common in the universe than we thought

Alien news: Hopes to find life dashed as study reveals 'wrong kind of supernova'
HOPES of finding alien lifeforms in the universe have been shattered by a new study suggesting there is a “wrong kind of supernova” which doesn’t provide the conditions needed for life to spark again in the universe.

Is there alien life out there? Let's turn to AI, problem solver de jour
Is there nothing neural networks can't do? Wait, don't answer that


Dark matter isn’t interacting with itself after all
Hints that a galactic collision knocked the invisible mass askew are disproven

Evidence for sticky dark matter comes unglued

Astronomers Were Wrong About a Crucial Feature of Dark Matter, Study Shows


Scientists call for boycott of South Korean university over killer robot fears
(Slaughterbots ) - the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

'Killer robots': AI experts call for boycott over lab at South Korea university
Academics around the world voice ‘huge concern’ over KAIST’s collaboration with defence company on autonomous weapons

South Korean university boycotted over 'killer robots'
Leading AI experts have boycotted a South Korean university over a partnership with weapons manufacturer Hanwha Systems.

Artificial intelligence researchers boycott South Korean university amid fears it is developing killer robots
Researchers warn of a ‘Skynet scenario’ involving weaponized robots fighting wars against each other



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07/10/18 5:03 AM

#283636 RE: F6 #279827

Exposed: Betsy DeVos’s Record Of Dismantling Student Protections | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

"Teachers in Revolt: Meet the Educators in Kentucky & Oklahoma Walking Out over School Funding"

Published on Jul 6, 2018

In a “Beat” special report, Ari Melber examines Trump education secretary Betsy DeVos’s track record of rolling back
years of policy in ways that affect millions of students, including ending programs that support diversity in schools.


DeVos Has Scuttled More Than 1,200 Civil Rights Probes Inherited From Obama

Our data analysis shows that the Trump administration is less likely than its predecessor to find wrongdoing by school
districts on issues ranging from racial and sexual harassment to meeting educational needs of disabled students.

by Annie Waldman June 21, 10 a.m. EDT