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05/12/18 1:46 PM

#908 RE: terry hallinan #907

Old Ocata nee advanced cell tech (Dr West)
International Stem Cell corporation (Isco).

Go check what happens to investors when years of expenditure doesn’t yield sales.

The goal is noble. But to be a good investment, a leader needs to be more than idealist with an open checkbook.

Every moron can head a cash flow negative business.

It takes real genius vision and execution to turn a vision into a real business that can self fund its development goals and dream.

Factually Dr West has yet to show us he can.

Factually the Board, recognizes that and brought Adi in.

Hopefully, this next year this change will yield the required result.

West should be allowed to do the science, but without real executives that can get the business going and the company past the endless invention step.