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charlie T colton

05/11/18 10:43 AM

#6477 RE: charlie T colton #6476

Offered share price on AvanzaBank's-Placera Arcam message board.

Mrtwenton was a presence on the Avanza Bank's Arcam message board. He might still be there but like us, there is little traffic there. It would be good to hear from him again.


Posted on April 23rd on the Avanza message board -


Bifogat finner du information kring förfarandet. GE Sweden har under förra veckan kommit med sin första inlaga. Yrkandet är att lösenbeloppet ska bestämmas till 345 kr. På det löper sedan den 3 januari en ränta om 1,5 %.
Beträffande tiden för utbetalning vågar jag inte säga mer än att det skulle kunna ske under hösten om förfarandet är okomplicerat.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Axel Weibull
Advokat - Partner


The Google translation:


Attachment, you will find information about the procedure. GE Sweden has made its first submission last week. The claim is that the amount to be paid is 345 kr. On January 3, an interest rate of 1.5% has expired.
Regarding the time of payment, I dare not say more than it could happen in the fall if the procedure is uncomplicated.

Best regards

Axel Weibull
Attorney - Partner

file: /// C: /Users/User/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/IE/P31DUT13/Information letter%20to%20minorityaktieägarna%20i%20Arcam%20Aktiebolag.PDF

GE claims that the amount to be paid is 345 kr. Today, that's about $40.42 US. I don't think it's prudent for anyone to sell for less unless they have an immediate need.

If anyone's received a message in english from Viktor or Axel stating the same, please post.


05/12/18 1:49 AM

#6478 RE: charlie T colton #6476

Thanks for posting your response from Fidelity. Makes me more confident that we'll get our money eventually.

I agree that AMAVF and its products has a great future especially under the GE umbrella. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the valuation price we think GE has to pay us but you're right that there's huge potential here.

Do you think you'll try and track AMAVF by buying GE or would you rather invest in a different pure A-M stock?