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05/10/18 3:42 PM

#279725 RE: DesertDrifter #279723

How quickly you forget.

A VERY expensive getaway: The First Family's Valentine's Day apart cost the taxpayer at least $2.5m as Barack golfed in California while Michelle went on secret ski trip to Aspen.
President Obama spent Valentine's weekend in California, where he managed to squeeze in three rounds of golf at a California course owned by Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison.
(Two separate trips doubled the security costs.)

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Fraud in the food stamp program??

In 2012, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official said that food stamp fraud totals $750 million each year - a number that more than doubles the cost of trafficking reported in a 2006- 2008 USDA study.

Kevin Concannon, U.S. Department of Agriculture undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, told the Huffington Post last year that food stamp fraud totals around $750 million each year.

Food Stamp Fraud Costs America Billions

Food stamp fraud is costing the taxpayers billions, notes the Heritage Foundation. Fraud levels were 39 percent in the District, 25 percent in Maryland, and 16 percent in Virginia, for cases investigated in 2011, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner. Almost none of the people who committed fraud in Maryland or the District were ever prosecuted.

According to fiscal year 2010 data collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Maryland and Virginia distributed about $130 million in food stamps to individuals who were not eligible.

Asset tests were abolished by thirty-five states enabling a millionaire with no income to collect them. 59-year-old Leroy Fick. After Mr. Fick won a $2 million lottery jackpot, the Michigan Department of Human Services ruled he could continue receiving food stamps . . .

$13M food stamp scheme busted; 22 people charged

Just a sample, there's tons more!