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10/17/06 11:37 AM

#214425 RE: ItsAllCyclical #214422

Ahhh, you don't think Bush and his regime are inept and incompetent... and that for the amount spend on this fiasco we aren't showing much for it as a result.


10/17/06 1:28 PM

#214436 RE: ItsAllCyclical #214422


"You Break it..
you bought it.."


10/17/06 2:19 PM

#214444 RE: ItsAllCyclical #214422

Bush only has most of the culpability for the Iraq killing fields. Your point is 1/3 correct.

We set up a power vacuum by taking the Saddam lid off the cauldron.

Just because it is now possible for the Moslem sectarians to kill each other without fear of law and order, doesn't mean they have to kill each other. The Iraqis are still stuck in the middle ages and what has happened is their disgrace.

But we went in with little reason, no idea of what we were getting into, and no plan for after the regime change. There is no question that decapitating the dictatorship and occupying the country with foreign, Christian mostly white troops severely destabilized a tribal but mostly peaceful country. The facts are obvious, it wasn't happening before we showed up.

It might have happened eventually or the Iraqis might have grown up and decided that kill or be killed isn't the way to run a society. Either way, that would have been their problem and their choice.

There were cracks but we broke it. Doesn't look like we are able to fix it either. Maybe no one can now.