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Dale C

05/10/18 12:00 PM

#279717 RE: mr40 #279715

Obama getting anything thru congress was like pulling teeth and when he did it was so watered down that it wasn't worth having in the end.


05/10/18 3:51 PM

#279728 RE: mr40 #279715

"The particular manner in which President Obama crafted the Iran deal paved the way for President Trump to withdraw from it.

Just like most of your posts they end up being a lie. It was not Obama's deal.

Now go back and find the countries that agreed to it. It was a joint effort.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

And no they were not all smoking joints.


05/10/18 6:28 PM

#279739 RE: mr40 #279715

Well... among other things it's foreign policy not a treaty.

And let's be clear, Trump isn't withdrawing from the agreement. He's violating it.

I'm sure the Kim Dynasty is anxious to make a deal with that scumbag at this point.