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05/09/18 9:08 AM

#3741 RE: hobowilly #3740

It is a safe bet DPW was a "late comer" for the RHK Capital/Reed Smith Conference. Milton Charles "Toad" Ault III is scheduled to be the very last presenter on the very last day, i.e. today, at 5:05pm EDT. Wonder how many attendees will already be enjoying Happy Hour?

Looks like the DPW shareholders will be picking up CONSULTANT Ault's tab for the sojourn to Manhattan. It would likely be instructive to see the trip's expense details!

Looking at the Conference agenda, the scintillating DPW presentation should be available via livestream. Not sure if the Q&A will be a part of the webcast. Hope it is! The formal presentation is limited to only twenty minutes, so it might be reasonably painless to tune in.