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05/08/18 4:29 PM

#279614 RE: JimLur #279609

JimLur, Your misguided worship of Trump has you hanging by your fingernails. This is more indicative of informed views.

Straw, who was foreign secretary between 2001 and 2006, said: “The campaign against the JCPOA has been characterised
by abuse and misinformation. It is the best chance of ensuring Iran never develops a nuclear weapons programme,
and it is insane to suggest abandoning the deal could do anything but endanger international security.”

That an excerpt from .. Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal

As for your admiration of Diamond and Silk, see ..

...Can only say they lie as shamelessly about important things, such as their saying the NRA was formed to protect "us" (they must
mean blacks) against the Democrats and slavery, as Trump does. That NRA-Dem-slavery crap of theirs we know is totally wrong .. ,
but it's a convenient lie so the NRA audience lapped it up.
That audience also obviously enjoyed being yelled at.
bottom here ..

That said, thanks for Obama's statement in response to Trump's withdrawal .. your link


05/08/18 4:29 PM

#279615 RE: JimLur #279609

JimLur -- let us be clear -- blacks, poor or not, who, with understanding of who Drumpf is and of his policies, support Drumpf and his policies, in fact are, and deserve to be called, Uncle Tom niggers -- period, full stop

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