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05/13/18 2:18 AM

#279810 RE: fuagf #279588

Part 200, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from Friday, 05/11/18, covering
April 2, 2018, and headed, President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2, 2018, World Autism Awareness Day

The eleventh

Alex Jones Talks The Secrets Of DMT And Beyond

Published on Apr 2, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]
Alex Jones and a caller delve into the secrets of DMT. [with comments]

Jones tells a caller his experience (the caller's) under DMT with what looked like an Egyptian goddess was actually an angel. The caller talks about the
need to kill globalists. Jones demurred on that one. Nice to know we are "living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep."

Number nineteen - as swimming in fearmongering, hate-forced, bullshit rhetoric as one can get

RWW News: After Getting Booted From YouTube, Rick Wiles Warns That Leftists Will Soon Start Executing Christians

Published on Apr 3, 2018 by RightWingWatchdotorg
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words.
In this clip, Rick Wiles reacts to his YouTube channel being terminated by warning that soon leftist mobs will start executing Christians in the streets.
[from April 2, 2018] [with comments]

Twenty-eighth, ninth and thirtieth

Ari Melber to Roger Stone: Answer the questions

The Beat with Ari Melber
Trump ally Roger Stone responded to an interview on ‘The Beat’ where his associates, Randy Credico and Sam Nunberg told Ari Melber he was lying about contact with Julian Assange.
[originally aired March 30, 2018 (published late) (. . .)] , [with comments]


Max Boot: Trump's "love" for Putin undermines U.S. foreign policy
The Beat with Ari Melber
The Kremlin reveals Trump proposed meeting Vladimir Putin at the White House as Republican Senator Lindsay Graham says Trump “for
some reason” has a hard time pushing back against Putin directly. Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow, Max Boot, Editor
at Large of the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol, and former National Security Council spokesperson, Ned Price join The Beat.


Former Sinclair anchor: They are “not good for America"
The Beat with Ari Melber
Sinclair Broadcast Group is accused of parroting Donald Trump’s talking points about ‘false news’. Former Sinclair anchor Kirk Clyatt tells
Stephanie Ruhle the company compels anchors to read “forced-run” and “extreme” commentaries that are “certainly not good for America”.

Thirty-third, fourth and fifth

The self-interested presidency of Donald Trump
All In with Chris Hayes
There used to be norms against soliciting bribes at your properties and attacking American businesses. Then came Trump.


Is Trump's corruption the key to stopping him?
All In with Chris Hayes
New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait argues that it's not Russia or Stormy Daniels that can stop the
president, but rather the disconnect between his campaign promises and his presidential corruption.


Mueller looking at Stone claims of Assange meeting: Report
All In with Chris Hayes
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking at claims by Roger Stone that he met Julian Assange in 2016, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Thirty-nine and forty

Communications between Trump and Putin raise questions
The Rachel Maddow Show
Former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul talks to Joy about presidential communications and relationships
with Putin amidst a report from the Kremlin that President Trump invited Putin to the White House.


Papadopoulos reportedly says Sessions “encouraged” him to find out about hacked Clinton emails
The Rachel Maddow Show
Former US Attorney Barbara McQuade speaks to Joy about new developments in the Mueller
investigation involving George Papadopolous, Jeff Sessions and Alexander van der Zwaan.

The forty-second

Trump lawyer asks to keep Stormy Daniels case out of open court

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Lawrence O'Donnell explains why Trump’s lawyer essentially admitted Stormy Daniels is telling the truth with a move to force Stormy
Daniels' lawsuit into private arbitration. Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman and Kurt Andersen react to the new developments.
©2018 , [with comments]

Added here - February 02, 2018 5:08pm PT by Ashley Cullins
Trump Lawyer Charles Harder’s Partner Quits: "I Found Myself Increasingly Uncomfortable"

Forty-four and five

WSJ: Mueller probing Roger Stone's ties to Wikileaks' Assange

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Mueller has reportedly turned his eyes to longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone who's had
conflicting things to say over whether he ever met with Julian Assange. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired April 2, 2018] , [with comments]


Kremlin reveals Trump floated idea of Putin visiting White House
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
The Kremlin today revealed when they last spoke in a recent phone call, Trump suggested a possible visit to the
White House by Vladimir Putin - something that reportedly caught Trump officials by surprise. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired April 2, 2018]

The 'here' comedy spot

Paid Protesters Give the Performance of a Lifetime - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Published on Apr 2, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]
Citizen Journalists Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson go deep undercover at the March for Racial Justice to spill the truth behind paid protesters. [with comments]

To "stashed April 2, 2018:"

Trump's island of misfit toys


Trump Suggested Putin Visit the White House, Officials Say - tie
MOSCOW - When President Trump called President Vladimir V. Putin last month, he not only ignored advisers’ pleas that he not congratulate the Russian leader on his lopsided election victory but also suggested that Mr. Putin visit the White House.
That was the account of the leaders’ March 20 conversation given on Monday by a Kremlin foreign policy adviser, Yuri Ushakov. He told reporters in Moscow that Mr. Trump had suggested a meeting at the White House, saying, “This is a rather positive idea.”
The White House spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said Monday that the White House was among “a number of potential venues” discussed during the March 20 phone call. She said the administration had no further comment.
Mr. Trump had told reporters in the Oval Office shortly after his call with the Russian leader that “probably we’ll be seeing President Putin in the not-too-distant future,” but officials said at the time that there were no plans for the two men to meet before November, when they are both expected to attend a Group of 20 gathering in Argentina.
In the two weeks since the call, relations have spiraled downward, with the United States and numerous nations in Europe and elsewhere agreeing to the simultaneous expulsion of scores of Russian diplomats in retaliation for the March 4 nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in Salisbury, England.
Mr. Ushakov said that the two countries had not started any preparatory talks for a White House meeting, because of the tailspin in relations. He nonetheless voiced hope that Mr. Trump would not drop the idea. “I hope the Americans won’t abandon their proposal to discuss the possibility of holding the summit,” he said.
Mr. Putin’s spokesman, Dimitri Peskov, however, was quickly quoted as dismissing Mr. Ushakov’s account as incorrect.
Just as Mr. Trump has shown a curious reluctance to criticize Mr. Putin, even when the two countries are ejecting each other’s diplomats, the Kremlin and the Russian news outlets it controls have often avoided criticizing Mr. Trump directly.
Many Russian officials and commentators have embraced the idea that, no matter how much the two countries shout at each other over the former spy’s poisoning, election meddling, Ukraine, Syria and various other points of friction, Mr. Trump wants a rapprochement but is being held back by “Russophobic” forces in Congress and the “Deep State.”
Mr. Trump’s telephone call to Mr. Putin took place six days after Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats over the Salisbury attack. It angered many in Washington, including some of Mr. Trump’s advisers, who wanted the president to address Moscow’s role in the nerve agent assault and to not congratulate the Russian leader for his victory in an election in which his best-known opponent was barred from competing. Mr. Trump followed neither recommendation, nor did he raise the issue of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Power Briefing: Trump invites Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe to visit U.S.

Congressional Democrats raise ethics questions about Trump defense fund - AP
WASHINGTON - Congressional Democrats raised ethics questions on Monday about the framework of a defense fund set up to help pay legal costs for White House, Trump campaign and transition officials caught up in investigations into Russian meddling in the election.
Eighteen House Democrats claim the new defense fund appears to be structured more loosely than ones in earlier administrations. Because of the way it's set up, the fund could receive donations from lobbyists or others with interests before the Trump administration — and also could be used to influence witnesses, the Democrats warned in a letter to David Apol, the acting director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.
The Democrats asked the ethics office to provide records documenting communications between Wiley Rein LLP, the Washington law firm that set up the fund, and White House, Trump campaign and transition representatives.
In late January, Apol told a group of Washington lawyers who set up the fund that a draft agreement of its structure appeared to be "in compliance" with federal ethics law. The ethics office, however, has not officially approved or disapproved of the structure of the fund — Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust LLC — which has been in operation since late February.
In their letter to Apol, the Democrats, including Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Oversight committee, said that while previous defense funds earmarked money for individual officials, the new defense fund "has the authority to pay money to an unlimited number of individuals, with limited disclosure requirements."
The fund was established in Delaware as a nonprofit organized under Section 527 of the U.S. tax code. That designation requires the fund to tell the Internal Revenue Service the names of all donors who donate more than $200.
The Democrats claim the Patriot fund appears to allow donations by lobbyists or others with interests before the government — and could perhaps evade disclosure altogether.
Despite the IRS requirement, the Patriot fund does not appear to prohibit donors giving money "on behalf of other undisclosed donors," the Democrats said.
And while Office of Government Ethics guidelines prohibit donations from lobbyists or others with governmental interests, the Patriot fund says donations for legal expenses would be banned only if the donor "indicates in writing that the contribution is being given because of an eligible recipient's position or performance of duties." It's not clear from the fund's draft how donors would be compelled to provide that information.
Democrats also raised concern about the fund's role in the possible influence of witnesses. Ethics rules ban contacts between the manager of a legal defense fund and those aided by the fund. But Democrats warned that a loophole would still let the fund manager contact Trump campaign representatives, who could, at the same time, remain in touch with fund recipients.
"The agreement does not address the potential for pressure to be placed on potential recipients before they testify," the Democrats said. "The agreement also does not prohibit communications between the manager of the fund and campaign representatives who are themselves under investigation."
A group of Wiley Rein lawyers sent a draft agreement of the Patriot defense fund to the ethics office on Jan. 29 after discussions with agency officials. The fund was officially unveiled in late February. Wiley Rein has deep expertise in election law and several partners have a history of ties to Republican administrations and the GOP.
A spokesman for the law firm was not immediately available to respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press about the House Democrats' letter.
According to the draft, the fund would "be operated as a political organization," with its donations listed in total in annual filings with the IRS. Previous defense funds, such as two 1990s-era funds for former President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton, had voluntary caps on the size of donations. The Patriot fund does not appear to have any limits on the size of donations.
The draft explicitly says the fund was "formed to provide assistance paying legal expenses for persons involved in the investigations by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III," House and Senate inquiries into Russia meddling and any other congressional probes.

House Democrats seek more information about Trump aides’ legal-defense fund
also at

Trump Defends Conservative Media Company After It Orders Anchors To Bash ‘Biased’ News - tie ,
Dozens of local news anchors across the country read the same strongly worded script, thanks to Sinclair Broadcasting.

Political Cartoonist Lampoons Evangelical Support For Trump In Easter Takedown -
“So devout!”

Roger Stone’s Claim of a 2016 Julian Assange Meeting Draws Scrutiny
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has asked about an email during grand jury testimony

Mueller investigating whether Roger Stone met with Assange: report

Roger Stone’s Trumpian self-promotion is not helping him with Robert Mueller


Corruption, Not Russia, Is Trump’s Greatest Political Liability - further to - All In segment 4-2-18 [included in the body of this post above]
By Jonathan Chait

At Chicago nightclub, George Papadopoulos allegedly makes explosive new claim about Jeff Sessions
A chance encounter with a man at the center of the Russia investigation.
At a London bar in May 2016, after numerous drinks, Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos bragged to an Australian diplomat the Russians had obtained damaging information on Hillary Clinton. The diplomat reported the conversation to American officials, which prompted the FBI to launch their investigation of the Trump campaign and its connections to Russia.
On Thursday at a Chicago nightclub, Papadopoulos had some drinks and, in a conversation with a new acquaintance, allegedly made new and explosive claims about Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Papadopoulos, according to this new acquaintance, said that Sessions was well aware of the contact between Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud, an academic from Malta with high-level connections in Russia. Papadopoulos’ indictment revealed that Mifsud had told Papadopoulos that the Russians had “‘dirt’ on then-candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of ‘thousands of emails.'”

Report: Trump Aide Papadopoulos Said Sessions ‘Encouraged’ Contact With Clinton ‘Dirt’ Professor

Nightclub-Goer: Papadopoulos Told Me Sessions Wanted Russian Dirt On Clinton


Alex Jones sued for $1M after wrongly identifying Florida school shooter