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05/08/18 12:14 AM

#89018 RE: JohnCM #89015

John... How many time are you gonna run this same story over again..? You've stated your position on this matter umpteen times now... Starting to get old now and smacks a bit of fear mongering...
Please Stop it...

I also share ndww42 perspective on this issue:
Patience here will be rewarded big time.
Here's my take on the management shares since it keeps coming up.

First off - not one single share has been sold now or ever sold before. Let's make that clear. Owning shares does not equal selling. It just means they own shares...

Second - they've not taken any bonuses to date before this over a stretch of years and years and years. So if we want to be technical about it, they are simply being rewarded for ALL those years. So what?

Third - to say the PPS is where it's at because management isn't creating shareholder value or that the shares are being sold is absolutely ridiculous. This is a penny stock. It went from .01 to .26 in a flash and will do so again. The powers to be will let this run again when the time is right. That's how the game works.

So let's not kid ourselves here. Those with averages in the .20s have seen a drop in value, however it doesn't mean anything until you sell. My advice is to average down and HOLD. This isn't a scam with no product. This is a brick and mortar soon to be two brick and mortars, and then 3, etc. They generate a ton of revenue.

Could you imagine if we were talking about a company that made $1,500 a year and had 2M in convertible debt AND gave out bonuses? See the difference?

All this fear mongering is defamation and is outright criminal as far as I'm concerned. You can't hold something great back. Hold for Nasdaq.


05/08/18 12:14 AM

#89019 RE: JohnCM #89015

Pervasive disobedience and greed. Shot themselves in the foot.

This will be crippled for a while.

Money on hold, cannot sell for a loss like this.

I am not alone, and Armen, Mars and the rest of them are not on anyone's favorite list right now.