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05/08/18 9:38 AM

#1239 RE: Bigspirit1 #1236

BigSpirit1: I have no knowledge about Nexalin and one thing I know is its product has been in the market a long time and accepted quite well by physicians across the country. The CEO I believe took over an ailing company and turned it around. Beyond that, I have no knowledge or interest. The CEO has many detractors and they are hurting him badly. I think the CEO's current SEC problems originated from complaints of his detractors. The SEC civil matter doesn't seem to be going any where so let's wait and see what becomes of it all. Every jerk in town runs to the SEC and complains and the SEC is happy to investigate. I also happen to know, that all seems to be going well with the roll-up project. Even though no announcements have been made, the attorneys have taped everyone's mouth shut so no unwanted complaints can be instigated. Negative posts do a lot of unintended harm and the shareholders get the raw end of the deal. I have also learned not to believe every comment made by the various agencies since most of the comments don't materialize.