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Replies to post #16270 on Connexus Corporation (CNXS)
Frayed Knot
05/03/18 12:17 PM
#16271 RE: VeronicaFox #16270
The Commission’s complaint alleged that Hicks, Southridge Capital Management LLC, and Southridge Advisors LLC engaged in a series of fraudulent schemes while managing a group of five hedge funds
Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED, pursuant to Section 203(f) of the Advisers Act and Section 15(b)(6) of the Exchange Act, Respondent Hicks be, and hereby is barred from association with any investment adviser, broker, or dealer.
It appears CNXS/Huss’s fave toxic funder just can’t stay out of trouble: ...Hicks and the Southridge Entities defrauded their investors by promising investors that at least 75% of their money would be invested in unrestricted shares, but failing to keep that promise and instead investing in so many illiquid securities that they were unable to satisfy redemption requests; and b) significantly overvaluing the largest investment of the funds they controlled...