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05/02/18 10:44 PM

#226636 RE: loanranger #226630


Well stated.



05/03/18 12:50 AM

#226640 RE: loanranger #226630

IPIX only needed to meet 1 of the 6 transaction requirements to register and your referenced 1.B.6 didn't apply because they weren't on a national exchange. We could dig further into the instructions of 1.B.6, but there's really no need.......

Limited Primary Offerings by Certain Other Registrants. Securities to be offered for cash by or on behalf of a registrant; provided that:

(c) the registrant has at least one class of common equity securities listed and registered on a national securities exchange.

I had a couple pretty specific questions that were ignored, but here's the gist of today's FUDDY question. Maybe someone who can grasp it can forward it along:
Is the fact that the market value of the holdings of IPIX's non-affiliated shareholders is less than $75M, which has the potential to limit access to the full value of the S-3 registration and the entire balance of the Aspire line, having any bearing on managements operating decisions or isn't it? Are any trials being delayed for financial reasons attributable to the limitations described in the S-3 Registration Statement's Instruction 1.B.6 (not counting P3 B ABSSSI, of course)?


05/03/18 2:22 PM

#226691 RE: loanranger #226630

Leo didn't address your question because he doesn't report to you. I've seen many biotechs under $75M MC able to raise money with public offering after filing S-3 (see Celsion as an example).

IPIX's current priority is to partner B-OM. If successful, either the partner will pay for Phase 3 or IPIX will use the upfront money to advance B-OM and B-ABSSSI into Phase 3.