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05/01/18 7:49 AM

#226394 RE: scottsmith #226392

$IPIX On the verge of discovery. For those that haven't been paying attention there's a lot going on. Very close to prurisol data. As some have mentioned there is no disconnect from double blinded trials and the company, simply anticipation. When the data gets here, we'll find out our answers. The risk of playing a bio into data may be the concern for some. I put the likelihood of prurisol moving forward pretty high, greater than 60% based on successfully completing its previous phase 2 trial.
So, the risk is worth it for me.
Then of course there's brilacidin partnership/licensing opportunity as well.
One that's been "seasoned" by the long waits between events I look for opportunity to accumulate and even do a few swings along the way. And this is where we are now, waiting and accumulating.

Take a look at the sticky posts and do your DD. When this train leaves the station, say good bye to these prices.


Thanks for all your work too Sox!!

Posted by: sox040713
In reply to: None Date:4/29/2018 10:51:05 PM
Post #226300 of 226392

BP's interests in the Big Three

“The Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) count toward partnering with global and specialty pharmaceutical companies interested in the Company’s first-in-class drug candidates is nearing 20, with additional Agreements in review."

“These recent data, taken in aggregate, are what various actively engaged pharmaceutical companies have desired from us for some time—and they are what triggered a newfound flurry of inbound partnership discussions at the San Francisco conferences,”

"To advance our pipeline in an expeditious manner, this year we placed an emphasis on partnering—actively engaging global and regional pharmaceutical companies interested in licensing our novel drug candidates. These efforts have led to highly productive, mature (late-phase, ongoing) discussions, with multiple pharmaceutical companies, which we hope will bear fruit in the coming year." - CEO Letter to Shareholders

"We had said that confidential disclosure agreements have been signed with several pharmas interested in our drug candidates; to some, they're interested in one compound. Others have requested information on a combination of Brilacidin and Kevetrin and Prurisol."


"To further these efforts, the Company is in negotiations with a leading drug formulator to develop topical formulation(s) of Brilacidin for these three dermatology indications, starting in 1H2018. The goal of the negotiations is to reach terms on a strategic partnership for addressing these markets."


“Formal collaboration with pharmaceutical companies that have expressed an interest in partnering Brilacidin-OM may well assist further with expediting the drug candidate’s development timetable. Some of these partnering conversations have matured to the point of potentially structuring mutually beneficial licensing agreements, pending the final Phase 2 study results.”


"We've actively engaged with multiple large pharmas, who have expressed an interest in Brilacidin inflammatory bowel disease. The pharma industry is quite interested in pursuing novel IBD therapies one of the more active therapeutic areas when it comes to dealmaking."


"We have entered into multiple non-disclosure agreements with large pharmaceutical companies that enable us to continue ongoing discussions regarding potential partnering should the trial results support such a relationship."


"The Company is adhering to a value-building strategy born from discussions with larger pharmaceutical companies interested in Kevetrin, one of the world’s most advanced p53 drug candidates. Securing the right development partner for Kevetrin remains an important objective."

"What we and potential partners are extremely interested in is learning via tumor biopsies if Kevetrin is reaching its target and modulating pathways within the tumor that can deliver a clinically meaningful benefit; this would be a significant development in the p53/oncology dynamic,"

Document - Getting Ready for a BioPharma Partnering Deal

A typical large pharmaceutical might see 500 to 1,000 opportunities in a given therapeutic area. Only 100 or so of those will go on to non-confidential meetings and only 50 or so of those will end up going to Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) and confidential meetings.

For a BP, only 5-10% of drugs ended up in a CDA and IPIX has ~20!

Unfortunately, getting a deal done can take a long time. After initial talks, getting a CDA can take a month or more. It might take another month for the other side to assemble appropriate team members and schedule team meetings.

It can then easily take another month for them to evaluate all the information and to decide that they will indeed go forward with the formal due diligence process. From the point when the other party has decided to go forward with term sheet negotiations, it can take another six to twelve months to get to a signature on a full agreement.

Key point: 6-12 months from negotiation to agreement.

Diligence and a Good Virtual Data Room

When a potential partner begins the due diligence process, they’re trying to get to know you and your asset in greater detail, and they’re attempting to verify what they’ve been told.

Give them access to your experts, provide overview presentations, and answer questions. In short, spend the time it takes to make sure they really understand it.

Virtual data room - check.
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05/01/18 7:50 AM

#226395 RE: scottsmith #226392

It’s not “floundering.” All 7 drugs are moving forward. There are 5 recent trials that recently completed, so IPIX is between trials. The next round of trials are getting worked through proposals as well as FDA feedback and responses. Management still has plenty of low dilution funding options available, if there is no license, but there will be one soon.

Like boodog, I’m putting my pocket book where my keyboard is: I’m still buying because I know why I’ve continued to buy and hold for months. Anything under $1 will be seen as a huge bargain very, very soon.