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05/01/18 12:17 AM

#279196 RE: mr40 #279193

mr40, your assumption that - wow, even "clearly" - nothing was found on Trump before the Dems came on that scene
is obviously silly and baseless, just because even you would concede we've seen a shitload of dirt on Trump here.

A link for that claim of yours would be like pulling a rabbit out a hat, and actually could fall under the condition F6's set you in ..

Though guess that could taking his a bit too literally, eh.



05/01/18 12:26 AM

#279197 RE: mr40 #279193

mr40 -- perhaps over there on your Planet PutzTaintz

but back here on Planet Earth, much of the content of the Steele dossier, where Steele was retained precisely in light of what had already been pieced together by/via Fusion GPS up to that point, has been corroborated, and precious little if any of it has been discredited (where it openly contains/reports, rather than any final intelligence report/assessment, raw intelligence which in the normal course, by its very nature, is and would be expected to be less than 100% accurate) -- as has all been exhaustively and definitively documented and sourced on this board -- (linked in) and preceding and (future) following

I reserve, and will exercise, the right to remove posts of yours which/because they contain such ludicrously counterfactual assertions