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04/30/18 10:49 AM

#279157 RE: mr40 #279155

mr40 -- that wasn't Mueller's doing -- and Obama's AG Holder very promptly, very soon after he and Obama took office, dropped the case and took other appropriate actions in light of the findings

and go get stuffed with your further/continuing Gish galloping (a manner of blatant trollery which is subject to removal) -- given your repeated resort to such trollery, from here on out you must provide a real, valid source link for each and every assertion you make -- no exceptions
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04/30/18 7:43 PM

#279164 RE: mr40 #279155

Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI.

So it's your position that General Flynn, former Director of National Intelligence is cooperating with a federal prosecutor, because he's afraid he might be convicted of lying to the FBI?

(Let's not forget Gates. You haven't mentioned him.)

Comey and McCabe also lied.

Give us an example. The guy who fired Comey said that he fired him because of the Russia investigation... but what would he know?

Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI. CLINTON: "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email."
Clinton had maintained that she never sent or received classified email on the server. She later amended that statement to clarify that she never “knowingly” did.

Give us an example. Something like "Joe Wilson's wife is a spy"? Maybe something like telling having Sergei Lavrov and Sergey Kislyak into the oval to divulge what an Israeli undercover agent had given us? Or was it more like who was coming to dinner. Was any of it actually classified or did Trey Gowdy do that all later? "By the way I don't know his email, but it was hosted at at the time."

Do you understand the difference between confidential and top secret, eyes only and compartmentalized? Of course not. I'm assuming you've served, right?

The Trump Tower meeting was a setup

Yes, Natalia was trying to reel in someone willing to sell out his own country to the Russians, in exchange for help rising to power.

She got Trump Jr, Manafort and Jared... and most likely Trump himself. Imagine if any of them had actually been honest men instead?

Keep peddling that crap lady. In the end Mueller and perhaps Eric Schneiderman will have their say. Those guys don't back up, and they don't go away