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04/30/18 3:57 PM

#382692 RE: Mariner* #382611

Korean 'peace' must include nuclear disarmament
Washington Examiner April 30, 2018

"The opportunity of denuclearization on the Korean peninsula is not simply that it would restrict North Korea's potential to pose a critical regional and international threat, but that it could occur without limiting U.S. military deterrence options. Mr. Trump could, for example, agree not to post any U.S. nuclear forces on South Korean soil unless Kim Jong Un decided to restart his nuclear program. Even then, in effective nuclear deterrent terms the U.S. would still retain its primary nuclear striking capability via forces such as the B-2 bomber and Ohio-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines. Both those assets could be used to strike North Korea without requiring any footprint in South Korea or regional U.S. bases on Guam, Okinawa, or Japan.

First and foremost, we must verify that North Korea has stopped its development of nuclear and ICBM technology. We must also be able to make sure that North Korea abandons all its nuclear weapons.

If Kim goes along, Trump can afford more optimism. Anything short of a verifiably disarmed North Korea counts for little or nothing".
