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04/28/18 11:35 AM

#226234 RE: frrol #226232

“Business Development” mode is the term I’ve seen from IPIX in emails to several shareholders. I’d take that as working deals and setting up for the future. Clinical trials and product development is not in the picture right now, I truly believe we are near an OM deal as you said, but possibly not until P results because that could change the whole landscape overnight.

Exciting times. But patience is needed.

I’ve also seen emails that stress the excitement from BPs since the OM results. Specifically during the San Fran conference. Reading between the lines in these emails, I’d say there are multiple parties involved. We may see a joint deal for regions. A day closer


04/28/18 3:37 PM

#226242 RE: frrol #226232

“If we get nothing, we will resume drawing on the EL again and move forward with advanced trials on our own.”

Ipix will never advance to a phase 3 solely with current financing options. This is obvious to experienced investors.


04/28/18 4:23 PM

#226243 RE: frrol #226232

The big question that’s holding the stock back is can IPIX survive with no partner? If they could why haven’t they started up Absssi phase 3, UP phase 2B? Obviously, Leo doesn’t believe the stock price can support next stage of trials or they’d have them scheduled. Exactly why P results couid make or break them before B gets a deal. Leo is running out of time to keep stalling.