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04/27/18 10:06 PM

#279065 RE: F6 #279063

North Korea and South Korea have set some bold goals for themselves. This is historical and only time will tell if they succeed in uniting the Koreans.

But Trump is not sure.

"After a furious year of missile launches and Nuclear testing, a historic meeting between North and South Korea is now taking place. Good things are happening, but only time will tell!"

"I don’t think people should get carried away by the extraordinary scenes that we’re seeing — there’s still an enormous amount to be worked out before these good intentions turn into practical steps."

The challenge for Trump will be to build on the new North/South relationship.

But Jong Un has fooled previous presidents and Trump simply doesn't trust "the rocket man".

Maybe Trump should delay his meeting with Jong Un and let him prove he is serious this time.


04/30/18 10:18 AM

#279153 RE: F6 #279063

“If you meet the marshal over there, he is a very good guy,” Mr. Rodman said, using the military title for Mr. Kim. “He doesn’t want a war.”

"He proudly showed off photographs of himself standing with Toni Kukoc of the Chicago Bulls and Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers. It is unclear where the pictures were taken. On at least one occasion, a car from the North Korean Embassy drove Pak Un to Paris to watch an NBA exhibition game," the daily said.