yep, same here. got in last year at .021 and doubled down at .019 and again at .018, then it dropped to .0141 (a new 52wk low), on that same linked email probably.. when I was considering the cannabis industry plays, I tried to jump on mcoa, and sing last year at the lows. but Scottrade wouldn't let me trade those.
So now that scottrade is gone (friggin sellouts), I might be buying some of those other ticker shares, with some of the money that I had reserved for the gohe sub penny dip pounce, due to the vigorous selloff pressure keeping the GOHE pps below .03...
I've grown very cautious about GOHE's habitual lies, and smoke and mirrors game. Just because they ACT innocent and unknowing of what is going on behind the scenes, doesn't mean that they are innocent. There is no good reason they had to restart the 2yrs audit 3 different times with 3 different accounting firms... their books MUST BE SCREWED. Any decent accountant worth their fee, could have knocked out the 2yr audit within a month, unless there were SOOOO MANY discrepancies, the first accountants X2 refused to complete it (fraudulently), and sign their names to it. Why that is, only the GOHE insiders know.
I'd recommend a minimal play with Gohe, at least until they complete a couple milestones... Audit completion results pr, and uplist to otcqb complete pr.
it's the safe bet... GLTA~