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04/27/18 7:23 AM

#8387 RE: PMS Witch #8386

Good point. You're absolutely correct.

crazy horse 0

04/27/18 2:13 PM

#8415 RE: PMS Witch #8386

GOP REP Calls for The Immediate Arrest and Jailing of Deep State

GOP Rep Claudia Tenney called for the arrest, conviction, and incarceration of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe for their multiple crimes in a campaign release.

Tenney complained about a double standard. She has the nerve to call the Russian collusion hoax investigation an investigation of a hoax. She also lists crimes committed by Clinton, Comey, Lynch and McCabe, and wonders why they have not been arrested yet. My guess is that the DEEP STATE has something pretty powerful on Jeff Sessions that prevents him from doing his job.

Do you have any doubt that if they had been Republicans these people would already be standing in front of a judge? The media would be covering the scandals 24 hours a day instead of covering it up.

Instead, the media is covering Russian collusion for which 20 months and 12 million dollars, there is still no proof of? On the other hand, there is ample proof of crimes committed by these four and nothing.

And we agree with her. Lock them all up. “Rep. Claudia Tenney’s campaign has released a petition email calling for the imprisonment of Comey, Clinton et. al.”

Rep. Claudia Tenney's campaign has released a petition email calling for the imprisonment of Comey, Clinton et. al.

— Nick Reisman (@NickReisman) April 24, 2018

From Mediaite

Tenney was one of 11 House Republicans who signed a letter requesting the Justice Department and the FBI to launch an investigation into these characters for their actions during the 2016 election. The allegations leveled against these foes are varied: Clinton for the Fusion GPS dossier, Comey for not adequately prosecuting Clinton, McCabe for his “lack of candor,” Lynch for the “Uranium One” controversy.

But Tenney’s email goes a step beyond allegations, asking supporters to sign a petition in favor of the investigation by pressing a large red button blaring “ADD YOUR NAME: Lock Them Up!”

“I hope that AG Jeff Sessions will take our recommendations seriously,” Tenney’s email adds.