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04/27/18 10:39 PM

#49 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #48

This stock does not want to go down. Just when you think it's rebounds hard again and again. I shorted at 8.89 and got squeezed. I re-shorted at 9.67 and currently getting squeezed again. Yea, I know. I was going to short Friday, but shorted on Thursday. Seen it dip hard...and thought it was about done. Oh well. Knowing my luck, if I buy the dip...there will be no dip it will end up just crashing. I'm out after results from the conference call. Either I'm going to cover for a loss...or I'm going to cover for a profit. Either way, I'm done with this play.


04/30/18 8:04 AM

#51 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #48

what are you basing that on? Is there some news i am unaware of or not interpreting correctly? we have moved from 2.45 to current 10.34 in less than 90 days....that is 420%....with no major news...TIA


05/01/18 7:45 AM

#58 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #48

looking good for the shorts....and you can now buy the dip.....