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04/27/18 10:00 PM

#279064 RE: fuagf #278980

Part 193, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from a post Thursday, 04/26/18, covering
March 26, 2018, and headed, Statement from the Press Secretary on the Expulsion of Russian Intelligence Officers

The tenth - Nutcase Incorporated

Published on Jun 9, 2013 by StuartDWright [ / , ]
He's been invited on to talk about the Bilderberg Meetings 'conspiracy'.
Andrew Neil hasn't had anyone on the show quite as idiotic as Alex Jones, and Neil lets him know.
Both Neil and David Aaronovitch are laughing at Jones for the lune that he obviously makes himself out to be.
Even the 'political guests' are tweeting away like mad :)
But look at the little smirk he gives at 43 seconds in. I don't think he's interested in anything but
promoting himself and his website and making money of this ranting, paranoid character he portrays. [with (over 10,000) comments]

Twenty-fourth and fifth

Liz Plank: Stormy Daniels story is about ‘power’ and ‘corruption’
The Beat with Ari Melber
Stormy Daniels has filed a new defamation lawsuit against Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, a day after the much-anticipated ’60 minutes’ interview is released. Liz Plank
tells Ari Melber the 60 minutes interview revealed details about the alleged affair “we didn’t necessarily want to know” including Trump comparing women to his daughter.


Wife of guilty Trump aide: husband had “extensive” campaign contact

The Beat with Ari Melber
Simona Mangiante, the wife of guilty Trump aide George Papadopoulos tells Ari Melber about her husband’s “extensive” contacts with Trump
officials during the 2016 campaign and refutes Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s claim that her husband was only “pretending” to represent Trump.
©2018 , [with comments]

Thirty-two and three

Two more top lawyers turn down Trump: Report
All In with Chris Hayes
The president's legal mess grows as more lawyers reportedly turn down the opportunity to join his team.


Donald Trump's alleged pattern of intimidation
All In with Chris Hayes
Perhaps the most astonishing new details to come out of last night's 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels were allegations
that, in 2011, someone threatened her not to go public with her claim that she had an affair with Donald Trump.

Thirty-six, seven, and eight

Republican campaigns' use of Cambridge Analytica raises questions
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports on new questions about the role Cambridge Analytica played
in some Republican political campaigns and whether elections laws were violated.


Jared Kushner under investigation... by the White House?

The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports that while Donald Trump struggles to assemble a legal team, Jared Kushner is keeping his busy, and now the
White House is apparently also investigating Kushner over loans made to his family company after meeting with him in the White House.
©2018 , [with comments]


Kushner investigation query gets Democrats a surprising answer
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi talks with Rachel Maddow about his discovery through the Office of Government Ethics that
the White House is investigating Jared Kushner over loans made to his family after meeting with Kushner at the White House.

Forty-second and third

Stormy Daniels beats President Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Stormy Daniels revealed the details of her alleged affair with Donald Trump on '60 Minutes' as she has now
accused Donald Trump's lawyer of defamation for saying her claim "isn't true." Lawrence O'Donnell examines.
©2018 , [with comments]


Stormy lawyer: Trump legal team made 'catastrophic mistake'

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti says Trump's lawyers walked into 'a trap' by asking for Daniels' lawsuit to be moved and it
may lead to Trump speaking under oath. Tim O'Brien & Jennifer Rubin join Lawrence O'Donnell to react to the '60 Minutes' interview.
©2018 , [with comments]

Forty-fifth to seventh

More lawyers reportedly say no to repping Trump on Russia
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Reports state Trump is having trouble finding lawyers to represent him on the Russia
investigation. Trump tweeted calling that 'fake news.' Our panel discusses the very latest.
[originally aired March 26, 2018]


NYT: Trump talks about bringing back disgraced aide Rob Porter
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
The New York Times reports Trump has discussed possibly bringing back Rob Porter to the White
House, the aide who left after multiple allegations of spousal abuse. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired March 26, 2018]


Porn star Stormy Daniels sues Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
One day after her tell-all interview to CBS News about her alleged sexual relationship
with Pres. Trump, Stormy Daniels sued Trump's attorney Michael Cohen for defamation.
[originally aired March 26, 2018] , [with comments]

Two of the many excellent comedy items

Stephen Interviews Anderson Cooper's Interview Of Stormy Daniels

Published on Mar 27, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels sits down with Stephen Colbert at different times in separate locations.
[originally aired March 26, 2018] [with comments]

Stormy Daniels' '60 Minutes' Ratings Beat Trump's

Published on Mar 26, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stormy Daniels' '60 Minutes' interview was must-see TV and, for Trump, must-not-tweet TV. [with comments]

To "stashed March 26, 2018:"

Cambridge Analytica reportedly sent foreigners to work on GOP campaigns
Former Cambridge Analytica workers say firm sent foreigners to advise U.S. campaigns

Report: Cambridge Analytica’s Parent Company ‘Boasted of Election Meddling’ in Brochures
Cambridge Analytica-linked firm 'boasted of poll interference'
The company that became Cambridge Analytica boasted about interfering in foreign elections, according to documents seen by the BBC.

Cambridge Analytica: reclusive billionaire and Bond-style villain forge new data weapon
How political messaging based on personality became a new weapon in Trump’s election campaign

Governments must intervene to build trust in data use
Obsessively secretive technology companies need regulation to force transparency


Despite porn stars and Playboy models, white evangelicals aren’t rejecting Trump. This is why. - they, and Trump, are Christo-fascists - in full at
A porn actress says she had sex with Donald Trump, only a few months after his wife gave birth to a son. A former Playboy model says she had an affair with him, too. And yet according to a Pew Research Center poll conducted March 7-14, both white mainline and evangelical Protestants continue to approve of Trump as president at higher levels than other religious groups.
Why are white Christians sticking so closely to Trump, despite these claims of sexual indiscretions? And why are religious individuals and groups that previously decried sexual impropriety among political leaders suddenly willing to give Trump a “mulligan” on his infidelity?
Our new study points to a different answer than others have offered. Voters’ religious tenets aren’t actually what’s behind Trump support; rather, it’s Christian nationalism — their view of the United States as a fundamentally Christian nation.
Here’s how we did our research
To explore the link between Christian nationalism and Trump support, we examined data from the fifth wave of the Baylor Religion Survey. Fielded soon after the election, from Feb. 2 through March 24, 2017, this survey is a national, random sample of 1,501 American adults with telephones and is weighted to estimate population parameters. This data set is unique in its size, time of collection, and the measures it contains.
To measure Christian nationalism we combined responses to six separate questions that ask whether respondents agree or disagree with these statements:
• “The federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation”
• “The federal government should advocate Christian values”
• “The federal government should enforce strict separation of church and state” (reverse coded)
• “The federal government should allow the display of religious symbols in public spaces”
• “The success of the United States is part of God’s plan”
• “The federal government should allow prayer in public schools”
We also examined many other common explanations of support for Trump, including economic dissatisfaction, an index of attitudes on gender, an index of anti-black prejudice, a measure of respondents’ attitudes toward illegal immigrants and an index of views toward Muslims.
Finally, our statistical models also accounted for religious affiliation, religious beliefs, and a variety of religious behaviors, as well as political measures including party affiliation and political ideology, and sociodemographic predictors including age, gender, race, education, income, marital status, and residential context.
The more someone believed the United States is — and should be — a Christian nation, the more likely they were to vote for Trump
First, Americans who agreed with the various measures of Christian nationalism were much more likely to vote for Trump, even after controlling for a host of other influences, such as political ideology, political party, and other cultural factors proposed as possible explanations of Trump voting.
As you can see in the figure below, even when holding constant a host of other explanations, a Democrat at the higher end of the index was three times more likely to vote for Trump than a Democrat at the lower end of Christian nationalist ideology. For independents, the probability of voting for Trump increased moving across the range of the Christian nationalism scale. Likewise, Republicans scoring low in Christian nationalism were significantly less likely to vote for Trump than those scoring high on the index.
No other religious factor influenced support for or against Trump
Second, we find that Americans’ religious beliefs, behaviors and affiliation did not directly influence voting for Trump. In fact, once Christian nationalism was taken into account, other religious measures had no direct effect on how likely someone was to vote for Trump. These measures of religion mattered only if they made someone more likely to see the United States as a Christian nation.
Antagonism toward Muslims was just as important as Christian nationalism
Finally, the various cultural explanations that other researchers have examined didn’t predict Trump support in our study, with one notable exception: anti-Muslim sentiment. How much a U.S. voter feared Muslims was as significant in predicting who voted for Trump as Christian nationalism. Overall the strongest predictors of Trump voting were the usual suspects of political identity and race, followed closely by Islamophobia and Christian nationalism.
What does this mean?
Many voters believed, and presumably still believe, that regardless of his personal piety (or lack thereof), President Trump would defend what they saw as the country’s Christian heritage — and would help move the nation toward a distinctly Christian future. Ironically, Christian nationalism is focused on preserving a perceived Christian identity for America irrespective of the means by which such a project would be achieved.
Hence many white Christians believe Trump may be an effective instrument in God’s plan for America, even if he is not particularly religious himself.
In the upcoming midterm elections, Trump and other politicians will keep emphasizing Christian nationalism. After all, it works.
White Christian America is unquestionably in demographic decline. But one of its primary cultural creations — Christian nationalism — will continue influencing U.S. politics and society for decades to come, particularly in response to waning demographic and social dominance. It’s a worldview that can’t be undermined, even by porn stars and Playboy models.
Andrew L. Whitehead (@ndrewwhitehead) is an assistant professor in the department of sociology, anthropology, and criminal justice at Clemson University.
Joseph O. Baker is an associate professor in the department of sociology and anthropology at East Tennessee State University, and author of “American Secularism: Cultural Contours of Nonreligious Belief Systems” (NYU Press, 2015).
Samuel L. Perry is an assistant professor in the department of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma, and author of “Growing God’s Family: The Global Orphan Care Movement and the Limits of Evangelical Activism” (NYU Press, 2017).


On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
by Timothy Snyder


Another prominent lawyer declines offer to represent Trump in Russia investigation

Dan Webb and Tom Buchanan Latest Lawyers to Decline to Join Trump’s Legal Team
‘They consider the opportunity to represent the President to be the highest honor and they sincerely regret that they cannot do so.’

Trump Talks of Bringing Back Rob Porter, Aide Accused of Spousal Abuse

Trump Can’t Stop Tweeting, but Goes Silent on Stormy Daniels

‘Not in a punch-back mode’: Why Trump has been largely silent on Stormy Daniels

After Stormy Daniels, Republicans Face a Referendum on Trump’s Conduct

EXCLUSIVE: Stormy Daniels’ Friend Alana Evans: I’m Also Going to Sue Michael Cohen
Stormy Daniels might not be the only porn star suing President Trump’s attorney, The Daily Beast has learned.

White House Probes Loans to Kushner’s Business
Citigroup, Apollo loans totaling over $500 million were made after top executives of both firms met with Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner's meetings under investigation for potential conflict, OGE letter says

White House investigating loans to Kushner's business: official

Russia Isn’t the Only Country with Its Hooks in Jared Kushner
A new report shows that a top Trump fund-raiser received millions from an adviser to the U.A.E.
