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04/24/18 6:51 PM

#278965 RE: ForReal #278964

ForReal: LOL, all for show.

All the "positive things" I give credit to Obama. Like every thing else Trump just saying he did it. That's Bull Shit because he can't stay off Air Force 1 and the golf course long enough to get anything done.
Trump is a blow heart with no soul.
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Dale C

04/24/18 7:09 PM

#278966 RE: ForReal #278964

I remember those times well and then Obama became president it went up in smoke. A bunch of wild eyed Republican/Teaparty troglodytes got in with their only agenda...make him a one term president and insure nothing he proposed came to fruition. Now Trump is getting a taste of the same treatment and it sours in your belly, whats up with that.

I admit that I kinda like his very undiplomatic approach to both our friends and enemies. Our enemies think we are crazier than they are and our friends are doing some soul searching and stepping up their participation in the handling world affairs.

His domestic policies on things that really matter are non-existent and he cares not a wit about the environment.

Immigration don't worry about it, it's just Darwin's theory at work. Even if all immigration ceased you will still be a minority in the not too distant future. Having your nuts cut or tubes tied has that effect.
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04/24/18 11:42 PM

#278971 RE: ForReal #278964

ForReal, putting aside Trump's claim that global warning is a Chinese hoax and his pulling out of the Paris
agreement; putting aside his putting more Americans into a no healthcare insurance position; and putting aside
his delaying the implementation of added sanctions against Russia for months after they were passed in Congress
(that certainly smells of going soft on Russia); and putting aside Pruitt's EPA environmental neglect - and his latest -

EPA's Pruitt unveils controversial limits to scientific research
Gregory Wallace Profile
By Gregory Wallace
Updated 7:19 PM ET, Tue April 24, 2018emasculation

Oh! Even Inhofe, his mentor, is concerned about him. That's from the video.

Further, you obviously would know

Presidents Have Less Power Over the Economy Than You Might Think
Neil Irwin @Neil_Irwin JAN. 17, 2017

Then there was trump's withdrawal from the TPP

Trump has failed on trade (that’s good), but the economic damage is already done
Joseph E. Stiglitz December 15, 2017

And you would be aware he's flipped on the TPP (what hasn't he flipped on other than his wall?), and wants back into it.

Back to the domestic scene he's not exactly a good role model for young people as to how they should treat others.

I just wonder if you are perhaps giving Trump somewhat too much short-term credit, and ignoring long-term implications of his presidency so far.

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04/25/18 7:03 PM

#279010 RE: ForReal #278964

I remember a time when who ever got elected was at least given the prospect of hoping for the best and not continuously criticized.

I remember those times as well.

Then we elected a liar. Not to mention all the insults and totally un-presidential behavior.

No problem though, I understand decorum is not in a Trump supporter's vocabulary.