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04/24/18 6:58 AM

#136106 RE: Jonnyo07 #136102

FYI I spent the best part of 10 years working for a Vietnamese Company and not once did I encounter a single company that had not set up a subsidiary or become involved with a Vietnamese partner to do business over there.


04/24/18 9:35 AM

#136138 RE: Jonnyo07 #136102

from what I have read one of the stipulations for an IRC is if the founding company is to retain 51% ownership of the subsidiary. Which I would assume Kim will, How else would you control it.

An IRC is needed to obtain an ERC in this situation.

Once the necessary paperwork has been filed correctly an ERC is awarded within 3 business days.

For an ERC application to be approved, the following conditions must be satisfied: (a) investment in the proposed line of business is not prohibited; (b) the name of the enterprise in Vietnamese is not identical to that of any other registered enterprise and comply with other naming conventions set out in the Law on Enterprises; (c) the investor has submitted a complete and valid application file for registration of the enterprise; and (d) it has paid the enterprise registration fee in full.
The business registration office is responsible for considering the validity of the application file and shall issue an ERC within three working days from the date of receipt of the file.

(A) is the only stipulation that worries me because of the genetically modifies organism. MARD haulted us before, could they do it again? It's anyones guess.

This is looking more promising, Kim has to continue on and come thru with the ERC. That is when stuff can really happen (MAKE SOME MONEY)

While it appears we have been here before (Already had an IRC) we haven't gone as far as establishing a subsidiary. Atleast not releasing the name of it.

Things are looking up, we need the ERC before I get excited.