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10/15/06 7:04 AM

#43209 RE: F6 #43208

British soldiers respond to Army chief: 'At last, someone told the truth'

Published: 14 October 2006

Good on him. Stand by for incoming - Nigeglib

I'm overjoyed that someone in a senior position has finally had the moral fortitude to forget the spin, forget the politics and just stand up and speak the truth - Danvnuk

Right, when B'liar is put up against the wall, can I shoot him?????? - The matelot

After years and years, AT LAST someone at the top has had the b@lls to stand up and be counted. If he gets the sack, watch out for fireworks - Brandt

At last, someone who had integrity and genuine concern for his men and his country - Hansvonhealing

Bloody well said. B'liar, your legacy is secured, it's called Iraq - Carmbrai-Kid

This will destroy B'liar.. at long last - Steptoe

Crikey! - Trailfinder

This might turn out to be one of those moments when the world turns and Governments fall; I certainly hope so! - 303SMLE

Dicky Dannatt will have said this in full knowledge of the likely impact. We were lied to when it all started and we are still lied to today! The Dear Leader should resign now - Rubicon

Forget the feeble Mr Cameron and the non-existent Mr Campbell, the general is indeed the true moral voice of opposition in this country - Hereward

Allelluia! - Ethel the Aardvark

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