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04/24/18 11:31 AM

#278944 RE: F6 #278877

March for Our Lives speaker to Congress: Get it done now

AM Joy

In the March for Our Lives, America witnessed one of the largest mass protests in U.S. history. Joy Reid is joined by student activist and speaker at the rally Matt Post, plus her panel of experts, on what’s next after this youth-led cry for common sense gun reform heard around the world.

©2018 , [with comments]


Stormy Daniels interview on Trump airs Sunday night

AM Joy

Former porn star Stormy Daniels who says she was paid to keep quiet about her alleged affair with Donald Trump is telling her story Sunday on ’60 minutes.’ Joy Reid and her panel discuss the legal ramifications of this interview, and the president reportedly saying Daniels is lying.

©2018 , [with comments]


Hawk John Bolton now Trump’s third national security advisor

AM Joy

John Bolton, one of the most hard line foreign policy figures in the county, is now Donald Trump’s third national security advisor after H.R. McMaster and Michael Flynn, a move many believe will take the U.S. over the brink of war. Joy Reid and MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance discuss.

©2018 [a must-watch]


Trump signs $1.3 trillion spending bill ignoring voter promises

AM Joy

Donald Trump signed a massive $1.3 trillion spending bill that ignored promises to his voters, including explicitly prohibiting funding for a border wall. Joy Reid and her panel discuss the resulting right-wing media backlash.

©2018 , [with comments]


Two lawyers announced by Trump won’t join his legal team

AM Joy

According to a new report from The New York Times, Donald Trump is shaking up his legal team yet again, as two lawyers just announced as additions to his legal defense team will no longer be joining this team. Joy Reid, her panel [including Malcolm Nance], and one of the authors of this breaking story discuss.

©2018 [a must-watch]


What’s next politically after the March for Our Lives?

AM Joy

March for Our Lives speaker Matt Post, Bishop Dr. William Barber, and Wendsler Nosie, founder of Apache Stronghold, join Joy Reid on the need to unify politically across different issues and communities, in order to, in the words of Bishop Barber, fight ‘policies of death.’

©2018 , [with comments]


Atheist Kicked Off TV Show For Spreading Destructive Ideas

Published on Mar 25, 2018 by Godless Cranium [ , ]

Atheist, Mohammad Hashem, was invited onto an Egyptian TV show to debate former Deputy Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mahmoud Ashour.

However, instead of a debate, Mohammad Hashem is told that he needs psychiatric help and that he's unreliable and unconvincing. The host berates him for daring to question their religion, and wouldn't let his guest speak.

Original video:

Egyptian TV Host Kicks Atheist Out of Studio, Recommending Psychiatric Treatment
Published on Mar 2, 2018 by MEMRI TV Videos [ , ]
Mohammad Hashem, an atheist, was invited to the Alhadath Alyoum TV studio to participate in a debate with former Deputy Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mahmoud Ashour. However, his statement that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of God and his attempt to talk about the Big Bang theory met with a barrage of insults from Sheikh Ashour and from TV host Mahmoud Abd Al-Halim, with Sheikh Ashour recommending psychiatric treatment and Abd Al-Halim refusing to allow him to remain on the show. The TV host, apologizing to his viewers for subjecting them to "inappropriate" and "destructive ideas," advised Hashem "to leave the studio and go straight to a psychiatric hospital." The show aired on February 11. [with (approaching 4,000) comments]

Intro video:

'Hey Atheist YouTube! Yes, You! I See You Over There...' | My Jehovah's Witness BS!
Published on Mar 13, 2018 by NotJah Witness [ , ]
So this is a shout out to the youtubers who are making a difference in my life over the past few weeks, a little bit of how overwhelmed I am in my current position and how I would like to use that in a productive way to help others. [with comments]

Source: [with comments]


Full Show - INFOWARS Covers The March Against America - 03/25/2018

Published on Mar 25, 2018 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

Sunday, Mar. 25th 2018: Gun Grabbers Descend On Washington - The anti-Second Amendment left is using children to promote gun control in nationwide marches, a tactic Hitler used in 1930s Germany. Facebook is in hot water over data breaches by Cambridge Analytica, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg issuing full page apology ads in the UK and US. Meanwhile, President Trump signed the omnibus bill, angering many in his base. On today's show, we'll discuss what that means for US policy going forward. [with comments] [the edited official Alex Jones upload at (title and text adapted fro; with comments)] [a must-watch]


In response to racist violence, more African Americans look to bear arms

Published on Mar 25, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

The National African American Gun Association, known as NAAG, has tripled its chapters from 14 to 52 since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, as more people of color join gun clubs and refute the NRA. Some say they are defending themselves against racism and supporting a call to arms amid a civil rights struggle. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Simon Ostrovsky reports. [comments disabled]


Next on Episode 8 | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME

Published on Mar 22, 2018 by SHOWTIME [ / , , ]

The President lets loose with a party in the wake of a government shutdown.

[Episode 8 originally aired March 25, 2018] [with comments]


'Who Gets Out To Turn The Jets On' Ep. 8 Official Clip | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME

Published on Mar 22, 2018 by SHOWTIME

Cartoon Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer take a dip in a hot tub.

[Episode 8 originally aired March 25, 2018] [with comments]


'Biparti-Satans Busted' Ep. 8 Official Clip | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME

Published on Mar 22, 2018 by SHOWTIME

Cartoon Alex Jones busts four globalists from different political parties; Paul Ryan,Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer; bathing together in the Satanic waters of a ritual hot tub.

[Episode 8 originally aired March 25, 2018] [with comments]


'You Miss Him Don't You?' Ep. 8 Official Clip | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME

Published on Mar 28, 2018 by SHOWTIME

The President lets loose with a party in the wake of a government shutdown. Cartoon Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell join together in song.

[Episode 8 originally aired March 25, 2018] [with comments]


A PSA by Our Cartoon President | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME

Published on Mar 23, 2018 by SHOWTIME

Our Cartoon President delivers a heartfelt PSA about Robert Mueller.

[Episode 8 originally aired March 25, 2018] [with comments]


The Dirty Dossier Gets Salacious

Published on Mar 24, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

The 'Fox & Friends' hosts routinely call the Steele dossier 'the dirty dossier.' They have NO idea. [with comments]


Save the Route 66 Texas Motel from the Trump Regime

Published on Mar 25, 2018 by Bravo Von Muller [ , ]

Save the Route 66 Texas Motel from the Trump Regime, for HD Video of these Motels go to "Recca the Ruins of America" Channel. [with comments]


Save The Texas Motel on Route 66 America Campaign

Published on Mar 25, 2018 by Bravo Alternative Media [ , ]

Save the Texas Motel on Route 66, a Simple Campaign, but is America up for it ? Mills Jacko Twitter page - #SaveTexasMotel [with comments]


Matt Damon & Gary White - Transforming Lives with and WaterEquity | The Daily Show

Published on Mar 25, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ] [ ] and WaterEquity [ ] founders Matt Damon and Gary White talk about their successful efforts to help millions of people in developing countries gain access to safe water. [with comments]


stashed March 25, 2018:

Trump Won’t Hire 2 Lawyers Whose Appointments Were Announced Days Ago
President Trump has decided not to hire two lawyers who were announced last week as new additions to his legal team, leaving him with a shrinking stable of lawyers as the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, enters an intense phase.
“The president is disappointed that conflicts prevent Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing from joining the president’s special counsel legal team,” Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow, said in a statement on Sunday morning. “However, those conflicts do not prevent them from assisting the president in other legal matters. The president looks forward to working with them.”
The upheaval on the legal team comes at a critical time for Mr. Trump. The president’s former lead lawyer, John Dowd, quit the team on Thursday, just as Mr. Trump is deciding whether to sit with Mr. Mueller for an interview.
While Mr. Trump’s lawyers, including Mr. Dowd, had told the president that the investigation would be over by this point, it seems to be accelerating, as Mr. Mueller appears to be looking into a wide range of matters related to Mr. Trump’s corporate activities, his 2016 campaign, his associates and his time in office.
The president met with Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing, who are married, in recent days to discuss the possibility that they would join his legal team in the Mueller case. According to two people told of details about the meeting, the president did not believe he had personal chemistry with Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing.
But beyond that, Ms. Toensing is representing Mark Corallo, who was the spokesman for Mr. Trump’s legal team in 2017 before they parted ways.
Mr. Corallo has told investigators that he was concerned that a close aide to Mr. Trump, Hope Hicks, may have been planning to obstruct justice during the drafting of a statement about a meeting between a Russian lawyer and Donald Trump Jr. during the campaign.
Ms. Hicks’s lawyer has strongly denied that suggestion, and White House aides said Mr. Corallo’s assertion had come up in discussions with the president as he weighed whether to go ahead with Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing.
Mr. diGenova had also endorsed the idea that a secretive group of F.B.I. agents concocted the Russia investigation as a way to keep Mr. Trump from becoming president, a theory with little supporting evidence. “There was a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton and, if she didn’t win the election, to then frame Donald Trump with a falsely created crime,” he had told Fox News in January.
Earlier on Sunday, Mr. Trump took to Twitter from his Florida resort to insist that he faced no problems finding lawyers to represent him in the Russia investigation.
“Fame & fortune will never be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted,” Mr. Trump said in a tweet.
The president insisted that “many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case,” and that reports of flux on his team were a “Fake News narrative.” Adding new lawyers, he said, would be costly because they would take months “to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more).”
“I am very happy with my existing team,” he added.
The news about the canceled legal appointments came as White House officials were girding themselves for an interview on Sunday evening on the CBS program “60 Minutes” with the porn star known as Stormy Daniels.
Ms. Daniels claims to have had a sexual relationship with Mr. Trump, and she signed a nondisclosure agreement with one of his lawyers, Michael D. Cohen, during the 2016 campaign.
On Sunday, one of Mr. Trump’s closest friends, Christopher Ruddy, said the president was “perplexed” by reports of turmoil in his administration. Speaking on the ABC program “This Week,” Mr. Ruddy, who is the chief executive of Newsmax Media, said he expected the chief of staff, John F. Kelly, to stay in his job, despite the president’s chafing at what he sees as the restrictions Mr. Kelly has placed on him.
But Mr. Ruddy, citing sources other than the president, said he expected the secretary of veterans affairs, David Shulkin, to leave the cabinet soon. Mr. Shulkin’s departure has been widely expected. And Mr. Ruddy played down reports that Ben Carson, the secretary of housing and urban development, was in trouble, despite Mr. Trump’s private criticism of Mr. Carson to advisers after revelations of excessive spending on an office dining room set.


Mnuchin pitches line-item veto: ‘Congress could pass a rule’
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has urged lawmakers to give President Trump a line-item veto, saying on “Fox News Sunday” that it might prevent Democrats from stacking more nondefense discretionary spending into the next must-past budget bill.
But Mnuchin’s short exchange with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace also underlined the problem with the idea — a 20-year-old Supreme Court ruling that struck down the line-item veto, finding “no provision in the Constitution that authorizes the president to enact, to amend or to repeal statutes,” after President Bill Clinton used it 82 times.
“I think they should give the president a line-item veto,” said Mnuchin, echoing Trump’s comments after he signed last week’s omnibus budget bill.
“That’s been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court,” Wallace said.
“Well, again, Congress could pass a rule, okay, that allows them to do it,” Mnuchin said.
“It would be a constitutional amendment,” Wallace said.
“Chris, we don’t need to get into a debate,” the treasury secretary said. “There’s different ways of doing this.”

Mnuchin: Trump will impose China tariffs, not worried about recent market losses

Mnuchin ‘Cautiously Hopeful’ China Trade Deal Can Be Reached
Treasury secretary speaks in interview on ‘Fox News Sunday’
Comments come after South Korea announced agreement on tariffs


Facebook has been collecting call history and SMS data from Android devices
iOS devices appear to be unaffected

Facebook scraped call, text message data for years from Android phones
Maybe check your data archive to see if Facebook’s algorithms know who you called.


Martin Luther King Jr.’s Antiwar Message
“The greatest irony and tragedy of all is that our nation, which initiated so much of the revolutionary spirit of the modern world, is now cast in the mold of being an arch anti-revolutionary.”
part of series/project:
Fifty years after Martin Luther King's assassination, his legacy is still being written.

The Lasting Impact Of The Assassination Of Martin Luther King | NBC News
NBC News
MLK’s death was not the final chapter of his legacy. Jesse Jackson remembers Dr. King’s final moments alive and what white America has lost – and learned – in the years since his assassination. “Hope and Fury” Act 9 [since gone dark]

MLK 50 | NBC News - 12 segments [playlist since gone dark]


Santorum rips kids calling for gun laws: They should take CPR classes instead - this YT posted/article blurbed at
CNN commentator and former Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Rick Santorum suggested students protesting for gun control legislation would be better served by taking CPR classes and preparing for active shooter scenarios.
"How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that," Santorum said on CNN's "State of the Union."
Santorum's comments came a day after protesters assembled at March for Our Lives events in Washington and across the country to demand gun control legislation in the wake of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Santorum: Instead of calling for gun laws, kids should take CPR classes

Santorum: Parkland students should learn CPR instead of marching

Rick Santorum says that kids should learn CPR instead of protesting gun violence
Santorum said the kids who just marched for change should stop "looking to someone else to solve their problem."

CNN's Rick Santorum: Parkland school shooting survivors aren't taking personal responsibility, should learn CPR
Santorum: “How about kids, instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes”


Flat-Earther's steam-powered rocket lofts him 1,875 feet up into Mojave Desert sky

At Long Last, Flat Earth Rocketeer Finally Manages to Blast Himself Into Sky at God Knows What Speed
(Mad Mike Hughes (RUFF) blasts off 03-24-18 )

'Mad' Mike Hughes Finally Blasts Off in Homemade Rocket

Flat-earther blasts off in homemade rocket in bid to reassure himself world is shaped 'like a Frisbee'
'I'm tired of people saying I chickened out and didn't build a rocket'

Flat-Earther Mike Hughes Succeeds In Launching Rocket In California, Lands Hard On Mojave Desert
'Mad Mike' survived his rocket launch in one piece and he has something to say to his critics.


A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains

Was Emma González Filmed Ripping Up the U.S. Constitution?
The outspoken survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting has been campaigning against gun violence, but not in the fashion seen here.

'No one would know your names': NRA TV host slammed the Parkland kids ahead of the March for Our Lives rallies
An NRATV host disparaged the Parkland shooting survivors before and during the March for Our Lives protests, saying they are only relevant because people at their school died.
He also criticized the students' age as a disqualifier for talking about gun measures.
Colion Noir made an allusion to the Black Panthers in defending the NRA's stance on guns, as well.


Dallas-area pastor gets 99 years in boy's starvation death - AP
DALLAS (AP) - Prosecutors say a woman who operated a church at her Dallas-area home must serve 99 years in prison for her role in the 2015 starvation death of a toddler allegedly to rid him of a "demon."
The Dallas Morning News reports jurors Friday convicted 52-year-old Aracely Meza of felony injury to a child causing serious bodily injury.
Investigators say Meza acted as a pastor in the unaffiliated church, she and the 2-year-old boy's parents allegedly believed he had a "demon" inside him and that fasting would save him.
Prosecutors believe Benjamin Aparicio was denied food for more than three weeks before his March 2015 death.
The criminal investigation began when police received a tip that congregants held a failed resurrection ceremony before the parents took the body to their native Mexico.

Photo of victim uncovered 112 years after bridge lynching - Ed Johnson - CHATTANOOGA, Tenn
Photo of Ed Johnson uncovered 112 years after Walnut Street Bridge lynching [photos, video]
( )

Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys
Race and Opportunity in the United States
Two Americas: Upward Mobility for White vs. Black Children

Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner Promised a Criminal Justice Revolution. He’s Exceeding Expectations.
When lifelong civil rights attorney Larry Krasner was elected in a landslide this past November to become the new district attorney of Philadelphia, to say that his fans and supporters had high hopes would be an understatement. Anything less than a complete revolution that tore down the bigoted and patently unfair systems of mass incarceration would be a severe disappointment.
Across the country, talking the talk of criminal justice reform has gotten many people elected as DA. Once in office, their reforms have often been painfully slow and disappointing. Krasner was the first candidate elected who publicly committed not just to intermittent changes, but a radical overhaul.
So far, having been in office less than three months, he has exceeded expectations. He’s doing something I’ve never quite seen before in present-day politics: Larry Krasner’s keeping his word — and it’s a sight to behold.
In his first week on the job, he fired 31 prosecutors from the DA’s office because they weren’t committed to the changes he intended to make. “Change is never easy, but DA Krasner was given a clear mandate from the voters for transformational change,” his spokesperson said at the time. “Today’s actions are necessary to achieve that agenda.”
Next, Krasner obeyed a court order to release a list of 29 officers from the Philadelphia Police Department that were on a “do-not-call list” — meaning that they were so tainted that they would be considered unreliable as witnesses. The police officers on the list had either been charged with crimes or found responsible for misconduct in internal police probes conducted by the department’s Board of Inquiry. Among the offenses, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the police officers had lied to their fellow investigators, filed false reports, used excessive force, driven drunk, and burgled.
After that, Krasner’s office made it clear that he would not oppose rapper Meek Mill’s release on bail. Krasner’s office said in a motion that it was likely Mill, who was arrested almost 10 years ago on drug and gun charges, would win an appeal on his original case. (Mill is in jail for minor probation violations.) The sole officer who testified against Mill is Reginald Graham, who is not just on the list of unreliable cops, but was reported by a former police officer to have lied under oath to put Mill behind bars.
All of that is big, but nothing is as essential and revolutionary as the internal five-page guiding document of new policies that Krasner sent to his staff. While the document appears to have been sent to the staff of the Philadelphia DA’s office on February 15, 2018, it only became public a week ago.

Parents Charged After Allegedly Pouring Hot Oil on Daughter Who Refused Arranged Marriage - San Antonio
Parents of a teenage girl, who went missing for months, have been charged with abusing their daughter for refusing to take part in an arranged marriage.
Abdulah Fahmi Al Hishmawi, 34, and Hamdiyah Saha Al Hishmawi, 33, allegedly choked, beat and poured hot cooking oil on Maarib Al Hishmawi, 16, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar said, The Washington Post [ ] reports.


Veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan is deported to Mexico
Miguel Perez Jr. was convicted of drug crimes in 2010.

After Two Tours in Afghanistan, a U.S. Army Veteran Has Been Deported to Mexico


NRA Takes Aim At ‘March For Our Lives’ Rally, Mocks Gun Violence Survivors
“Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children,” the gun group said of the Saturday march.

Doctors Skewer Rick Santorum For Suggesting Students Learn CPR, Skip Gun Control Activism - further to
“I can confirm that performing CPR can’t remove AR-15 bullets from a body. Get a clue.”

Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

Jared Kushner’s Younger Brother Had Vowed To #MarchForOurLives. And He Did.
Josh Kushner, who reportedly donated $50,000 to the student-led protest march, was spotted at the rally in D.C.

Students March For Their Lives As Trump Chills At Golf Course, Largely Ignores Them
The president tweeted several times Saturday, but none addressed the massive nationwide protest against gun violence.

‘Hardening’ Our Schools Will Hit Black And Brown Students Hardest

After Children Marched For Their Lives, Pope Francis Urged Young People To ‘Keep Shouting’ - Reuters
At a solemn Palm Sunday service, the pope urged young people to not allow older generations to silence their voices.

Evil Eye Gloves Are The New Pussy Hats At The March For Our Lives - Yahoo! Lifestyle
The evil eye gloves are perhaps less obvious in their symbolism.

Trump Wants His Cabinet To Serve His Ego, Not The Nation

The Most Scandalous Part Of The Stormy Daniels Story Isn’t The Sex
The attempt to silence the porn actress, as well as ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal, raises some unsexy but vital democratic issues.

GOP Rep. Won’t Seek Re-Election After Pennsylvania Redraws Districts - Reuters
Congressman Ryan Costello called the announcement the “most difficult decision I can recall having to make.”

Woman Sneaks In Anti-Ted Cruz Message During Photo With Ted Cruz - “Texas deserves better than Cruz!”
The guy makes it too easy sometimes.

Donald Trump’s America Is Already Hell Enough For This Muslim-American [Veteran] - TomDispatch
Tomgram: Nate Terani, Being Demonized in Your Own Country

Remington Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Amid Mounting Pressure For More Gun Control - Reuters
The company listed assets in the range of $500 million to $1 billion and liabilities in the range of $500 million and $1 billion.

Sen. Mark Warner: Facebook Not Being Fully Forthcoming About Data Leak
The senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee is calling on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before Congress.

Giant Animatronic T-Rex Bursts Into Flame Because Even Robots Are Done With 2018
“Electrical issue” blamed for loss of 24-foot-tall T. rex.

Trump Says ‘Many Lawyers Want To Represent Me’ Even As Legal Team Shrinks
Two lawyers who were slated to join his legal team — including Joe diGenova — have now bowed out.

Bundo Boom! The Gay Bunny Book Is Absolutely Crushing The Pence Family Version
The book unveiled by John Oliver on “Last Week Tonight” is defying all expectations.

The Real Casanova Wasn’t A Ladies Man, He Was A Rapist

Patriarchy Has Found A Home In The Pulpit

Designer Of Deadly Kansas Waterslide Has ‘No Engineering Credentials’: Lawsuit
Caleb Schwab was decapitated in August 2016 while riding Verrückt at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City.

Federal Ban On Methadone Vans Seen As Barrier To Treatment - Stateline
States and treatment companies want to offer methadone clinics on wheels to reach more people with opioid addictions in remote and underserved areas. But the federal government is standing in their way.

The Water Is Coming, Cities Are Sinking. When Are We Going To Stop The Fossil Fuel Party?

‘It’s About Taking Back What’s Ours’: Native Women Reclaim Land, Plot By Plot
Fighting against colonization and now gentrification in the Bay Area.

The MVP Of ‘Atlanta’ Gets Her Moment
Finally, Vanessa Keefer stands her ground against the emotionally abusive father of her child.

SpaceX rocket carved giant hole in the ionosphere
It was only temporary, but it could have affected GPS.

SpaceX launch last year punched huge, temporary hole in the ionosphere
Rocket launches act somewhat like a small volcano eruption.



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