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04/22/18 7:47 PM

#44266 RE: mr_sano #44264

ABSOLUTELY FALSE. So the Chief Operating Officer of the Natural Gas Pipeline business unit of Kinder Morgan has joined the BOD of QS Energy. This CONFIRMS KINDER MORGAN wants the PROVEN AOT.

Gary Buchler, Director

Gary Buchler is Chief Operating Officer of the Natural Gas Pipeline business unit of Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE: KMI) and operator of one of the largest interstate pipeline systems in the United States. With oversight of a combined annual expense/capital budget of $1.3 billion, Mr. Buchler is responsible for all Engineering, Operations, Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS), and Land Management functions for roughly 70,000 miles of transmission and gathering pipelines. Mr. Buchler is responsible for the day-to-day management of 3,900 employees, evaluation and oversight of expansion projects, and the evaluation of potential acquisitions. As Chief Operating Officer of the KM Gas Pipelines, Mr. Buchler has been instrumental in the acquisition and integration of more than $45 billion in pipeline assets at Kinder Morgan. Mr. Buchler has held various management positions at Kinder Morgan since 1979, including Vice-President Engineering/Operations Pipeline Group, Vice-President Eastern Pipeline Operations, Vice-President Engineering and Operations Kinder Morgan Gas Treating/Kinderhawk Field Services, and Director of Pipeline Integrity. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Iowa and an MBA from the Keller Graduate School of Management.

Richard Munn, Director

Richard W. Munn is one of the top players in the royalty and mineral arena as demonstrated over the last 15 years with 39 years of industry experience. Of note, he managed the royalty acquisition teams at Noble Royalties and other companies, closing on the acquisition of approximately $450 million worth of Royalty and Mineral Interests involving over 50 separate transactions. Mr. Munn has a solid reputation and extensive relationships with private and public U.S.-based energy producers and mineral holders. He has also managed his own exploration and production companies. From 2005 to 2007, Mr. Munn chaired the IPAA Business Development Committee and from 2007 to 2009, he chaired the IPAA Business Development/ Membership Committee. From 2005 to 2007, Mr. Munn chaired the Society of Petroleum Engineers Business Development Committee. In addition, to his network of oil and gas industry relationships, Mr. Munn is a licensed registered professional geologist in Wyoming with a B.A. in Geology from the University of Colorado.

William Green (Independent Director)

Mr. William Green served as Vice President of Downstream Marketing for Devon Energy Corp., was in charge of domestic natural gas sales and transportation activities. Mr. Green has over 30 years of experience in natural gas marketing with Devon and Mitchell Energy Corporation, both major "Shale" players. He served as the Chairman of Natural Gas Supply Association since February 20, 2015, until March 1, 2017. Mr. Green has been a Director of QS Energy, Inc. since July 14, 2017. He was a member of the National Energy Service Association (NESA) and a member of the Texas Pipeline Association (TPA), and recently served a three-year term on the Oklahoma University Energy Institute Advisory Board. Mr. Green is a graduate of Niagara University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration.

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04/22/18 7:50 PM

#44267 RE: mr_sano #44264

COMPLETE NONSENSE according to the EVIDENCE from the latest shareholders update released RECENTLY. The PROVEN AOT will be sold WORLD WIDE as per the FACTS below


HOUSTON, TX -- (Marketwired) -- 03/19/18 --

QS Energy, Inc. (the "Company" or "QS Energy") (OTCQB: QSEP) is a developer of integrated technology solutions for the energy industry. The following is a shareholder update from Jason Lane, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, QS Energy, Inc.

Dear Shareholders:

I would like to update you on progress we've made since my previous shareholder update letter. In January, I described three prospective customers considering AOT pilot programs. I am excited to report the first of these three potential pilots has received preliminary approval and has moved from concept to planning phase, targeting pilot installation in July 2018. We are now working diligently to finalize project details and definitive documents. Although we've been asked to keep project details confidential at this time, I can tell you the overseas pipeline site under consideration transports very heavy crudes and is highly dependent on diluents to meet viscosity requirements. This project presents an excellent opportunity to showcase both financial and operational benefits of AOT. Once plans and definitive documents are finalized, we will provide project details. Moving forward, the project is expected to provide valuable operational data to demonstrate value and efficacy to the market, and upon successful pilot operations, the operator is well positioned to benefit from system-wide adoption of AOT and could have high demand for our technology.

We are continuing to make progress on two additional pilot programs as described in my January letter. Temple University is in the process of completing tests on oil samples provided by these prospective customers, and we expect final reports before the end of the month. We plan on meeting with these companies in the next 2-3 weeks to work on finalizing project details with the intention of executing an LOI for at least one more pilot program in 2018.

As we continue to work with these and other companies, we see growing interest and enthusiasm in our AOT product line. We are excited to see the AOT in the field operating without the tight constraints of previous non-disclosure agreements. Once again, we thank you for your support and we look forward to a great year!

Jason Lane
CEO, QS Energy, Inc.

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive Company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement
Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About Applied Oil Technology
Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, Applied Oil Technology (AOT) is the energy industry's first pipeline flow improvement solution for crude oil, using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years, AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of engineering teams at numerous independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its demonstrated efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators motivated to improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents what we believe to be a premier solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenged period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy
QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with a leading university along with crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors.

Company Contact:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737

Investor Relations:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737
Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released March 19, 2018

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04/22/18 7:55 PM

#44268 RE: mr_sano #44264

NOT TRUE. Another international university from the MIDDLE EAST has peer reviewed & verified Professor Tao's GREAT work. Professor's, scientist & Universities from all over the world are now APPROVING Professor Tao & Temple University's magnificent work. The below 11 page report was completed RECENTLY & is all FACTUAL. Another tick of APPROVAL for Professor Tao.


The aim of the present work is to reduce the viscosity of Iraqi heavy crude oil to enhance its flowability in pipelines. This has been done by applying an effective electrical field through design and implementation of an invented capacitor. In order to attain this objective; an experimental rig has been built. It consisted of: a crude oil pipe, a novel parallel plate capacitor, an oil pump, a solenoid valve, a viscometer, and a control unit (relay, voltage regulator, rectifier, timer, and digital voltmeter). The experimental work was performed according to central composite rotatable design for three operating variables: treatment time (0–60 s), applied voltage (140–220 v), and space between capacitor electrodes of (2–10 cm). The optimum conditions were obtained using STATISTICA and WinQSB softwares. At optimum conditions, locally prepared nanosilica has been employed with different concentrations (0–700 mg/L) to show its effect on crude oil viscosity in the presence of an electrical field impact. The results showed that the viscosity was reduced significantly with increasing treatment time, voltage, and distance between electrodes. The Minimum viscosity obtained was at 32 s treatment time, 188 V, and 6.11 cm distance between capacitor electrodes. This represented the optimum conditions with a minimum viscosity of 20.479 cSt. Afterwards, the viscosity increased due to particles aggregation. At optimum conditions the fluid flow characteristics obtained were: 2630.93, 0.4089 gm/cm2, 0.2657 gm/cm2, and 57.059 W S, for Reynolds number, shear stress, pressure drop, and power consumption, respectively. The experimental results proved that the invented capacitor offered a good reduction in viscosity and a good saving in power of 37% at optimum con- ditions achieved at 10 ± 2 C. The nanosilica optimum concentration was 100 mg/L that gave a minimum vis- cosity of 12.8 cSt with a reduction percentage and power saving of 60.6%. The viscosity reduction has lasted for 11 h.


From the obtained results it can be concluded that the electric field proved to be a very effective method for viscosity reduction suitable for Iraqi heavy crude oil. The electric field processing technology consumes very little energy resulting in a high energy saving for pumping; also the flow rate of crude oil in pipelines subjected to electrical field treatment is greater than that without treatment. The experimental measurement of viscosity processed with electrical field method at low temperatures confirmed the effectiveness of the treating method even with lower climate temperatures. The innovative design of the perforated parallel plate's capacitor achieved a best reduction in the viscosity of Iraqi crude oil. It enabled the micro and nano size particles to arrange in short chains and allowed the layers of liquid to slide over each other in a regular form, diminished the turbulence and friction with internal pipe walls. The addition of nano silica particles in very low concentrations together with the electric field contributed significantly to crude oil viscosity reduction because of high dielectric, but at greater concentrations increased the viscosity. Thus it can be concluded that the nano silica treated viscosity, when added in a few percentages. Finally, electric field with a novel capacitor design can reduce the viscosity of heavy crude oil in few sec- onds lasting for several hours.


The authors would like to express grateful thanks to The Iraqi Min- istry of Oil/Oil Pipelines Company for the financial support in accor- dance with graduate research (grant No. 2/2016)

From the RECENT shareholders update :

While our efforts are tightly focused on executing our pilot program strategy, conversations continue with prospective customers in the Gulf Coast, Canada, and the Middle East.

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04/22/18 8:27 PM

#44270 RE: mr_sano #44264

INCORRECT as the newly appointed ex TRANSCANADA engineer Shannon Rasmussen is a believer in the PROVEN AOT & QS Energy.

Veteran Pipeline Infrastructure Engineer Shannon Rasmussen Joins QS Energy To Lead Global Commercialization of AOT Flow Assurance Technology

HOUSTON, TX -- (Marketwired) -- 06/30/17 -- QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), a technology solutions provider for the energy industry, today announced it has named Mr. Shannon Rasmussen as its new Vice President of Engineering, adding a key industry veteran who, along with new CEO Jason Lane, will help lead commercialization efforts for QS Energy's Applied Oil Technology (AOT) -- an integrated system that improves critical operational efficiencies for pipeline operators worldwide.

As co-founder and senior principal of Colorado-based energy consulting firm Citrine Energy, Mr. Rasmussen comes to QS Energy with nearly two decades of experience in the power and oil and gas sectors, with deep expertise in engineering design, project and program management, construction, compliance, and quality.

Mr. Rasmussen comes into this new role at QS Energy with critical knowledge of AOT and its demonstrated ability to reduce the viscosity of crude oil -- helping operators increase flow volume, reduce reliance on diluents, relax viscosity requirements, and meet carbon emission reduction goals while decreasing operating costs and improving pipeline efficiency. As a consulting engineer for TransCanada in 2014, Mr. Rasmussen experienced AOT operations first hand; in a similar role for QS Energy over the past two years, he helped spearhead critical design and fabrication improvements that have resulted in significant gains in AOT operating efficiencies, while achieving stable operations on a high-volume high API crude oil pipeline.

"I have seen first-hand what AOT can do for pipeline operators, and why it's critical to their long-term success," says Mr. Rasmussen. "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to expand on our initial success with AOT, help continue to improve and streamline it, and work with pipeline operators to bring this technology to wide adoption across the industry." Adds CEO Jason Lane: "Shannon's on-site experience with AOT, along with his deep industry expertise and contacts, makes him an ideal partner to help QS Energy bring these critical advances to an industry that needs them."

In addition to his recent on-site consulting with QS Energy, Mr. Rasmussen has served as a project - program manager and consultant for TransCanada Pipelines across a range of compliance-related projects including Keystone, Gulf Coast, KXL, and Energy East Pipelines. Mr. Rasmussen holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, is a registered Professional Engineer (PE), and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Mr. Rasmussen, along with his wife and three children, are looking forward to relocating to the Houston area.

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement:

Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About Applied Oil Technology

Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, Applied Oil Technology (AOT) is the energy industry's first pipeline flow improvement solution for crude oil, using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of engineering teams at numerous independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its demonstrated efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators motivated to improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents what we believe to be the premiere solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenging period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy

QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with leading university and crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors.

Image Available:

Company Contact:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737

Investor Relations:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released June 30, 2017