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04/22/18 3:30 PM

#90078 RE: carlson #90077 ball game?? Yeah,this SHAM will be yet another Eddie FRAUD that will be de-listed--and it won't take a year.

Overnight your shares become worthless--like their not nearly worthless anyway..........

Kool Aid Man

04/22/18 11:41 PM

#90079 RE: carlson #90077

"Give it a year and it will be a whole new ball game."

The challenge is to make sure Eddie is not able to play his same old crooked game without being challenged at every turn. He's spent a decade screwing others thus he deserves no benefit of anyone's doubt.

In a nutshell.. Eddie will have to turn 100% legit and operate in good faith 100% of the time. Frankly I don't see that ever happening. He's morally bankrupt.