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10/15/06 10:10 AM

#99814 RE: Slayton #99660

Slayton: You're beating this to death and purposefully NOT looking at the question you asked and the very simple answer I gave.

Here, I'll break it down for you. You asked (to paraphrase):

#1) Do you want this company to do well?

My answer was, "YES".

#2) Do I want someone to (just) pay me higher (pps) than I paid?

My answer was, "YES".

Now, you sneakily put that "just" in there and it's clear now why. You did it so you could go on and on and on trying to portray me as someone who doesn't give a rats ass about anybody else and who only cares about myself at the expense of others. Well, it ain't working.

I do care what this company does and how they make money. It all seems legit to me, although a bit complex and by current methods, unorthodox. Not really for banks, but for a public company...yes, indeed it's unorthodox.

But, any pioneering way of doing anything always seems at first to be a bit strange. Countless scores of parties will invariably question every motive, doubt every claim and nitpick every minute detail (especially those they don't understand) about a pioneering new anything. And, those with a stake to lose by the release and acceptance of a new pioneering anything will be the ones who incesently barage the scene with fear, doubt and trepidation to believing or accepting any of the claims of the pioneer. Similar to the likes we see going on here. You're just another hair in the badger pelt.

Now, there's nothing wrong w/ trading only caring if the company goes up. Many, many folks make a fine income by doing that. It's called trading by technical analysis and there's nothing wrong with that. That's not what I'm doing here though. I do dabble a bit in the T/A but not in this case and I've made my decision to hold based on the fundamentals and DD. And, right now, that's all I can do if I want to be in because I have TDAmeritrade and I couldn't "flip a bit" even if I wanted to.

Now, to answer your other two questions in that first post:

3) People that own stock in a company should not question management?

No, people should always question manangment. I never said they shouldn't. And, that's what going to this, , is part of...questioning management. But honestly, if anybody were to personally question any member of any publicly traded management team, the only answers they'll ever get are the ones they want to hear. You know, that everything is going rosey. No publicly traded company would EVER tell an investor who calls and asks "tough questions" that there were ever any problems. That's stock suicide.

And, your last question...

4) Just take it on faith?

Yes. Like any stock, it always comes down to a bit of faith at the end of the day. Faith in ones own DD, faith in the integrity of management, faith in what's been filed and PR's and most of all, Faith in the Good Lord above. One will NEVER have ALL the answers to ALL their questions about anything. That's were Faith comes in.

All of that run-around because I posted this to your fellow hair resting in the folicle next to you in that badger pelt above, cindyloonloo...

You can have the last word if you'd like now. I'm done w/ trying to explain myself to you about those things you questioned about me yesterday.

Have a great Sunday, Slayton! :)
