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04/21/18 8:53 PM

#225533 RE: Scottwny #225531

Scottwny, it sure seems like it wouldn't be that hard but apparently it's not easy.

The average cycle times to build and to lock the study database are long, with no observed improvement over the past decade. The average time to build and release a study database is 68 days, and the average time from a study’s last patient, last visit (LPLV) to database lock is 36 days. These average cycle times are consistent with other published and anecdotal reports.



04/21/18 10:16 PM

#225550 RE: Scottwny #225531

Retail investors always need to keep in mind that the "top line" results we see are the tip of the iceberg. There is supporting PK/PD data, all the trial protocols, patient specs, etc. They have to be regressed, analyzed, double-checked. I've gotten glimpses into the process and it's surprisingly complex (though it shouldn't be). As evidence, note that data and conclusions will continue to dribble out for our B-OM trial; witness the recent release of the B-OM sub-grouping. This information you would think would pop out from the first regressions. In fact it may have, but needed to be verified and refined.