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04/21/18 11:07 PM

#33370 RE: hillbilly surfer #33369

I’m with you HBS, my shares of SPOM are roughly 20% of my entire portfolio and I’m not selling along the train ride until it hits at least copper. With recent discovery of global partnerships and known partners(IBM), this has so much potential to be bigger then we can speculate!

Hoping to wake up to the news of a major buyout, pps soars to .77

We all retire, and talk about how the non believers mocked us, and then we all LAUGH and LAUGH.


Huggy Bear

04/22/18 1:32 AM

#33371 RE: hillbilly surfer #33369

After going on three years of this "No dilution" fallacy I think the problem is more lack of marks left to pilfer.