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04/20/18 3:06 AM

#326284 RE: eb0783 #326281

Use whatever description you desire but that doesn't make it right. Being 60% officially better than SOC is not failure. Being 109% over standard of care is not failure. The actual facts, being about 130% better than SOC is not failure. By my count, that is 4 definitions of the same trial results. You have yours (failed) and I have mine (130%); the FDA was presented with another (60%) and the public was PRed another (109%). 3 of those four are Significantly better than yours.

The FDA and PPHM both vehemently and definitively disagreed with your assessment. Sunrise was a dramatic and utter failure and being stopped at the first look in makes clear. Those are facts plain and simple. The fact that the PPHM IP was sold for a rounding error on the budget of any large or medium sized pharma also makes it crystal that Sunrise was a complete and utter failure.

As to why I am here, I like to present facts and reality.