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04/19/18 7:14 PM

#40730 RE: Looking4BIGcash #40725

Be careful , you might end up being taken to the cleaners by our Mastermind financial guru Joanna of arc

You do know that she hasn't come out one single time since collapse from 12 bucks to a penny and at least tried to explain and give a reason

She will gladly take your money and won't give a flying f&_k

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04/19/18 7:32 PM

#40735 RE: Looking4BIGcash #40725

I defiantly have to agree about this being seen through to FDA approval. As well as this product having much more potential than most realize. I just don't think that it will be taken there by current management.
We will see how this plays out soon enough. I hope you picked the bottom on this one! GL